Friday, May 4, 2012

determine whether the given string is of form pZq where q is reverse of q. p and q can contain only X and Y.

like if p=XXYX then z will be XYXX
for ex XXYXXXYXX is valid

the constraints is that "you can read only the next character at each point" .


Shwetank said...

I think in your question:
"like if p=XXYX then z will be XYXX
for ex XXYXXXYXX is valid"

'z' should be replaced by 'q' and the Input should be:

Correct me, if I am wrong

Shwetank said...

For such problems we can use a DFA
-Make new states of 'X' and 'Y' till the occurrence of 'Z' and store the same into a stack
- After than pop an element from the stack and compare it with the next element
- If at the end stack is empty, string is of format pZq, in case of mismatch it isn't

thoughts_anshul said...

int indexOfZ = str.indexOf("Z");
if(indexOfZ == -1)
return false
String revP = str.subString(0, indexOfZ).reverse();
String q = str.subString(indexOfZ+1)

return true;
return false;