Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yuckdonald's is considering opening a series of restaurants along Quaint Valley Highway (QVH).Give an efficient algorithm to compute the maximum expected total profit subject to the given constraints.

A Reader send me this interestinmg problem some times back & he also confirmed that recently google asked it :)

Yuckdonald's is considering opening a series of restaurants along Quaint Valley Highway (QVH).The n possible locations are along a straight line, and the distances of these locations from the start of QVH are, in miles and in increasing order,m1;m2; : : : ;mn.

The constraints are as follows:

1)At each location,Yuckdonald's may open at most one restaurant. The expected profi t from opening a restaurant at location i is pi, where
pi > 0 and i = 1; 2; : : : ; n.

2)Any two restaurants should be at least k miles apart, where k is a
positive integer.

Give an efficient algorithm to compute the maximum expected total
profit subject to the given constraints.

More Info About The Problem can be found here

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