Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Given two sorted arrays a[]={1,3,77,78,90} and b[]={2,5,79,81}. Merge these two arrays, no extra spaces are allowed. Output has to be a[]={1,2,3,5,77} and b[]={78,79,81,90}.

Data Structure Used: Array

Algorithm: Question is really tricky if we don't think smartly !!!! :)
use two pointer & points l to 1st & r to 2nd array
if elementb in 1st is smaller trhen 2nd arraye elemnt at index i then increment 1st pointer
swap element at index i in both array &b incerment 1st pointer & sort 2nd
array its not necessary only if we need sorted output in each array


size of a=m size of b =n
a[]={1,3,77,78,90} and b[]={2,5,79,81}
l r

while(l<=m && r<=n)
if(b[r] {
elseif(a[l] l++;


Time Complexity O(mlogm) sorting to 2nd array
Space Complexity O(1)

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