Thursday, December 20, 2012

Find the color of the k-th ball (1-index based) that will be destroyed.

Bob is playing with his ball destroyer robot. Initially, Bob has r red balls, g green balls and b blue balls. The robot will repeat the following 3-step program until there are no balls left:

  • If there is at least one red ball available, destroy one red ball.
  • If there is at least one green ball available, destroy one green ball.
  • If there is at least one blue ball available, destroy one blue ball.
You are given the longs r, g and b. You are also given a long k. Find the color of the k-th ball (1-index based) that will be destroyed.
  • If the color of the k-th ball to be destroyed is red, return "RED" (quotes for clarity, returned values are case-sensitive).
  • If the color is green, return "GREEN".
  • If the color is blue, return "BLUE".

Source : Commented by a user named bob , later i found property of TopCoder , so i have am just sharing it to learning purpose , TopCoder Inc. holds all right on the problem statement .

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