Showing posts with label FlipKart Interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FlipKart Interview. Show all posts

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Write a program to merge two BST efficiently in O(n)

There are two methods to do this :-

1)convert both tree into doubly linked list
2) merge both these doubly linked list
3) then create a tree from these merge linked list by taking median of this list as root and traverse left from root to make left subtree and traverse right from root to make right sub tree
this has complexity O(n1+n2) and space complexity O(1)

BinaryTree* sortedListToBST(ListNode *& list, int start, int end) {
if (start > end) return NULL;
// same as (start+end)/2, avoids overflow
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
BinaryTree *leftChild = sortedListToBST(list, start, mid-1);
BinaryTree *parent = new BinaryTree(list->data);
parent->left = leftChild;
list = list->next;
parent->right = sortedListToBST(list, mid+1, end);
return parent;

1)Find the inorder traversal of both the trees
2)Merge them into one (Giving one sorted tree)
3)Find the median of this sorted array(O(1))
Call this procedure recursively

struct tree
int data ;
tree * left , *right ;
void insert(int * array , int left , int right)
if (left<=right){ int mid=(left+right)/2; tree * root= malloc(sizeof (tree)); root->data=array[mid];
root->left=insert(array , left , mid-1);
root->right=insert(array , mid+1 , right);
return root;

Time Complexity O(N)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics below problem.

Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it might topple. Therefore,
in real life, we would likely start a new stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold. Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics this. SetOfStacks
should be composed of several stacks, and should create a new stack once the previous one exceeds capacity. SetOfStacks.push() and SetOfStacks.pop() should behave identically to a single stack (that is, pop() should return the same values as it would if there were just a single stack).

Thursday, June 2, 2011

WAP Check Endianess of Machine & Converting From One Endians To Other

First of all, Do you know what Little-Endian and Big-Endian mean? Little Endian means that the lower order byte of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the higher order byte is stored at the highest address. That is, the little end comes first.
This Question Is Frequently Asked in Top Core Companies Interviews so you need to aware of Computer System Architecture

For example, a 4 byte, 32-bit integer
Byte3 Byte2 Byte1 Byte0
will be arranged in memory as follows:

Base_Address+0 Byte0
Base_Address+1 Byte1
Base_Address+2 Byte2
Base_Address+3 Byte3
Intel processors use “Little Endian” byte order.

“Big Endian” means that the higher order byte of the number is stored in memory at the lowest address, and the lower order byte at the highest address. The big end comes first.

Base_Address+0 Byte3
Base_Address+1 Byte2
Base_Address+2 Byte1
Base_Address+3 Byte0
Motorola, Solaris processors use “Big Endian” byte order.

In “Little Endian” form, code which picks up a 1, 2, 4, or longer byte number proceed in the same way for all formats. They first pick up the lowest order byte at offset 0 and proceed from there. Also, because of the 1:1 relationship between address offset and byte number (offset 0 is byte 0), multiple precision mathematic routines are easy to code. In “Big Endian” form, since the high-order byte comes first, the code can test whether the number is positive or negative by looking at the byte at offset zero. Its not required to know how long the number is, nor does the code have to skip over any bytes to find the byte containing the sign information. The numbers are also stored in the order in which they are printed out, so binary to decimal routines are particularly efficient.
Here is some code to determine what is the type of your machine

int num = 1;
if(*(char *)&num == 1)

And here is some code to convert from one Endian to another.

int myreversefunc(int num)
int byte0, byte1, byte2, byte3;
byte0 = (num & x000000FF) >> 0 ;
byte1 = (num & x0000FF00) >> 8 ;
byte2 = (num & x00FF0000) >> 16 ;
byte3 = (num & xFF000000) >> 24 ;
return((byte0 << 24) | (byte1 << 16) | (byte2 << 8) | (byte3 << 0));

WAP Find The Next Largest Palindrome of Given Number Need not to b Palindrome

PS: Don't Get Confused it With Finding Next Palindrome Post


1. counts the tottal no of digits in given number & place value of MSB
placevalue will help us to find half no from MSB
2. Get the num till half of the number of digit of given num.
3. Add 1 in to it.
4. Reverse the num obtained in step 2.
5. Append the numbers obtained in 2 and 3.


int nextPalindromInt(int inPalindromeInt)
int numOfDigit=0, placeValue=1;
int num=inPalindromeInt, halfNum=0, i;
/*Get Total num of digit and place value of most significant digit*/
placeValue = placeValue*10;


//printf( " %d %d ",i,placeValue);

/*Get the num till half of the number of digit*/
halfNum = halfNum*10 + num/placeValue;
placeValue = placeValue/10;
/*Add one in halfnum, get next palindrome by appending
halfNum in to halfNum in reverse manner*/

/*if(numOfDigit%2) Used as optimization Step can be omitted

halfNum=halfNum*10 + num%10;
return halfNum;

int main()

return 0;

TC O(K) k length of number
SC O(1)
Run Here

Saturday, April 30, 2011

How to find if a node/pointer corrupted in a linked list

How would you find out if one of the pointers in a linked list is corrupted or not?
This is a really good interview question. The reason is that linked lists are used in a wide variety of scenarios and being able to detect and correct pointer corruptions might be a very valuable tool. For example, data blocks associated with files in a file system are usually stored as linked lists. Each data block points to the next data block. A single corrupt pointer can cause the entire file to be lost!

1 Discover & Fix Bugs
Discover and fix bugs when they corrupt the linked list and not when effect becomes visible in some other part of the program. Perform frequent consistency checks (to see if the linked list is indeed holding the data that you inserted into it).

2 set Pointer to NUll after Freeing Object
It is good programming practice to set the pointer value to NULL immediately after freeing the memory pointed at by the pointer. This will help in debugging, because it will tell you that the object was freed somewhere beforehand. Keep track of how many objects are pointing to a object using reference counts if required.

3 Use Debugger Tool Like DDD,Purify,
Use a good debugger to see how the datastructures are getting corrupted and trace down the problem. Debuggers like ddd on linux and memory profilers like Purify, Electric fence are good starting points. These tools should help you track down heap corruption issues easily.

4.Avoid Global Variable
Avoid global variables when traversing and manipulating linked lists. Imagine what would happen if a function which is only supposed to traverse a linked list using a global head pointer accidently sets the head pointer to NULL!.

5 Check Add& Delete Node After such Opeartion
Its a good idea to check the addNode() and the deleteNode() routines and test them for all types of scenarios. This should include tests for inserting/deleting nodes at the front/middle/end of the linked list, working with an empty linked list, running out of memory when using malloc() when allocating memory for new nodes, writing through NULL pointers, writing more data into the node fields then they can hold (resulting in corrupting the (probably adjacent) “prev” and “next” pointer fields), make sure bug fixes and enhancements to the linked list code are reviewed and well tested (a lot of bugs come from quick and dirty bug fixing), log and handle all possible errors (this will help you a lot while debugging), add multiple levels of logging so that you can dig through the logs. The list is endless…

6.Keep Track of Number of Nodes After Every Node after Initializing Linked List
Each node can have an extra field associated with it. This field indicates the number of nodes after this node in the linked list. This extra field needs to be kept up-to-date when we inserte or delete nodes in the linked list (It might become slightly complicated when insertion or deletion happens not at end, but anywhere in the linked list). Then, if for any node, p->field > 0 and p->next == NULL, it surely points to a pointer corruption.
You could also keep the count of the total number of nodes in a linked list and use it to check if the list is indeed having those many nodes or not.

The problem in detecting such pointer corruptions in C is that its only the programmer who knows that the pointer is corrupted. The program has no way of knowing that something is wrong. So the best way to fix these errors is check your logic and test your code to the maximum possible extent. I am not aware of ways in C to recover the lost nodes of a corrupted linked list. C does not track pointers so there is no good way to know if an arbitrary pointer has been corrupted or not. The platform may have a library service that checks if a pointer points to valid memory (for instance on Win32 there is a IsBadReadPtr, IsBadWritePtr API.) If you detect a cycle in the link list, it’s definitely bad. If it’s a doubly linked list you can verify, pNode->Next->Prev == pNode.

I have a hunch that interviewers who ask this question are probably hinting at something called Smart Pointers in C++. Smart pointers are particularly useful in the face of exceptions as they ensure proper destruction of dynamically allocated objects. They can also be used to keep track of dynamically allocated objects shared by multiple owners. This topic is out of scope here, but you can find lots of material on the Internet for Smart Pointers.