Tuesday, March 29, 2011

WAP to Find Longest Comman Subsequence

The longest common subsequence (or LCS) of groups A and B is the longest group of elements from A and B that are common between the two groups and in the same order in each group. For example, the sequences "1234" and "1224533324" have an LCS of "1234":


For a string example, consider the sequences "thisisatest" and "testing123testing". An LCS would be "tsitest":


In this puzzle, your code only needs to deal with strings. Write a function which returns an LCS of two strings (case-sensitive). You don't need to show multiple LCS's.

More Info Wiki

C Code of LCS


#define MAX(A,B) (((A)>(B))? (A) : (B))

char * lcs(const char *a,const char * b) {
int lena = strlen(a)+1;
int lenb = strlen(b)+1;

int bufrlen = 40;
char bufr[40], *result;

int i,j;
const char *x, *y;
int *la = calloc(lena*lenb, sizeof( int));
int **lengths = malloc( lena*sizeof( int*));
for (i=0; i
for (i=0,x=a; *x; i++, x++) {
for (j=0,y=b; *y; j++,y++ ) {
if (*x == *y) {
lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] +1;
else {
int ml = MAX(lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1]);
lengths[i+1][j+1] = ml;

result = bufr+bufrlen;
*--result = '\0';
i = lena-1; j = lenb-1;
while ( (i>0) && (j>0) ) {
if (lengths[i][j] == lengths[i-1][j]) i -= 1;
else if (lengths[i][j] == lengths[i][j-1]) j-= 1;
else {
// assert( a[i-1] == b[j-1]);
*--result = a[i-1];
i-=1; j-=1;
free(la); free(lengths);
return strdup(result);

int main()
printf("%s\n", lcs("thisisatest", "testing123testing")); // tsitest
return 0;

Run Here https://ideone.com/tCMa0

Java Code of LCS

class LCS

public static String lcs_dp(String a, String b) {
int[][] lengths = new int[a.length()+1][b.length()+1];

// row 0 and column 0 are initialized to 0 already

for (int i = 0; i < a.length(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < b.length(); j++)
if (a.charAt(i) == b.charAt(j))
lengths[i+1][j+1] = lengths[i][j] + 1;
lengths[i+1][j+1] =
Math.max(lengths[i+1][j], lengths[i][j+1]);

// read the substring out from the matrix
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
for (int x = a.length(), y = b.length();
x != 0 && y != 0; ) {
if (lengths[x][y] == lengths[x-1][y])
else if (lengths[x][y] == lengths[x][y-1])
else {
assert a.charAt(x-1) == b.charAt(y-1);

return sb.reverse().toString();

public static String lcs_rec(String a, String b){
int aLen = a.length();
int bLen = b.length();
if(aLen == 0 || bLen == 0){
return "";
}else if(a.charAt(aLen-1) == b.charAt(bLen-1)){
return lcs_rec(a.substring(0,aLen-1),b.substring(0,bLen-1))
+ a.charAt(aLen-1);
String x = lcs_rec(a, b.substring(0,bLen-1));
String y = lcs_rec(a.substring(0,aLen-1), b);
return (x.length() > y.length()) ? x : y;

public static void main(String a[])
System.out.println(lcs_rec("ABCDEFG", "FACHDGB"));
System.out.println(lcs_dp("ABCDEFG", "FACHDGB"));



Source http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/161/960229.html

Run Here https://ideone.com/lsc8b

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