Thursday, June 30, 2011

Knapsack Problem (Unbounded & 0/1)

The knapsack problem or rucksack problem is a problem in combinatorial optimization: Given a set of items, each with a weight and a value, determine the number of each item to include in a collection so that the total weight is less than or equal to a given limit and the total value is as large as possible. It derives its name from the problem faced by someone who is constrained by a fixed-size knapsack and must fill it with the most useful items.

In the following, we have n kinds of items, 1 through n. Each kind of item i has a value vi and a weight wi. We usually assume that all values and weights are nonnegative. To simplify the representation, we can also assume that the items are listed in increasing order of weight. The maximum weight that we can carry in the bag is W.
The most common formulation of the problem is the 0-1 knapsack problem, which restricts the number xi of copies of each kind of item to zero or one. Mathematically the 0-1-knapsack problem can be formulated as:

maximize sum(vi,xi) for i=0 to n

such that sum(wi*xi)<=W & x(0,1) The unbounded knapsack problem (UKP) places no upper bound on the number of copies of each kind of item. Of particular interest is the special case of the problem with these properties: it is a decision problem, it is a 0-1 problem, for each kind of item, the weight equals the value: wi = vi. Notice that in this special case, the problem is equivalent to this: given a set of nonnegative integers, does any subset of it add up to exactly W? Or, if negative weights are allowed and W is chosen to be zero, the problem is: given a set of integers, does any nonempty subset add up to exactly 0? This special case is called the subset sum problem. In the field of cryptography the term knapsack problem is often used to refer specifically to the subset sum problem.\ Dynamic Programming Solution: Unbounded knapsack problem If all weights () are nonnegative integers, the knapsack problem can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time using dynamic programming. The following describes a dynamic programming solution for the unbounded knapsack problem. To simplify things, assume all weights are strictly positive (wi > 0). We wish to maximize total value subject to the constraint that total weight is less than or equal to W. Then for each w ≤ W, define m[w] to be the maximum value that can be attained with total weight less than or equal to w. m[W] then is the solution to the problem.
Observe that m[w] has the following properties:

m[0]=0 (the sum of zero items, i.e., the summation of the empty set)
m[i]=max(m[w-1],vi+m[w-wi]) where wi<=w where vi is the value of the i-th kind of item. Here the maximum of the empty set is taken to be zero. Tabulating the results from m[0] up through m[W] gives the solution. Since the calculation of each m[w] involves examining n items, and there are W values of m[w] to calculate, the running time of the dynamic programming solution is O(nW). Dividing by their greatest common divisor is an obvious way to improve the running time. Working Code: import*; class knapsack10 { public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { int capacity,n; BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.println ("\n Enter the number of items u want to enter:"); n= Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); float p[]=new float[n+1]; float x[]=new float[n+1]; int i,j,k,w; int WEIGHT[]=new int[n+1],PROFIT[]=new int[n+1]; WEIGHT[0]=0; PROFIT[0]=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { System.out.println ("\n Enter the weight and profit of "+i+" : item "); WEIGHT[i]= Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); PROFIT[i]= Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); p[i]=0; x[i]=0; } System.out.println ("\n Enter the capacity of the knapsack : "); capacity = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); float c[][]=new float [n+1][capacity+1]; for(i=0;i<=n;i++) for(j=0;j<=capacity;j++) c[i][j] = 0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) for(w=1;w<=capacity;w++) if(WEIGHT[i]<=w){ if ((PROFIT[i]+c[i-1][w-WEIGHT[i]])>c[i-1][w])
c[i][w] = PROFIT[i] + c[i-1][w-WEIGHT[i]];
p[i] = 1;
p[i] = 0;
p[i] = 0;

float temp=0;
int t=0;
temp = c[n-1][j]-c[n-1][j-1];
for(i=1;i if(temp==PROFIT[i])
x[t] = 1;

System.out.println (j+" "+x[j] );
System.out.println ("The profit obtained is "+c[n][capacity]);

The O(nW) complexity does not contradict the fact that the knapsack problem is NP-complete, since W, unlike n, is not polynomial in the length of the input to the problem. The length of the W input to the problem is proportional to the number of bits in W, logW, not to W itself.

Time Complexity O(NlogN) W<=logW
Space Complexity (N^2)

More Info.

2nd Knapsack 0/1 Problem(In Progress)

Constructing a Binary Search Tree from Post Order traversal Efficiently.

Data Structure: Array,Binary Search Tree

Algorithm & Approach
1.As we have given Postorder Traversal we know last value will be root insert it in BST as Root.
2.While Iterating Over Array for each element (from as last position Obvious) compare root value
from next value in array so if
a. it is greater then root then insert it into right subtree of root Avg (logn),Worst O(N)
b. if next value is less then root then insert it into left subtree of root

Working Code:


typedef struct Tnode {
int data;
struct Tnode *left;
struct Tnode *right;
} Tnode;


/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the
given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
Tnode * newNode(int data)
Tnode * node = (Tnode *)
malloc(sizeof(Tnode ));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;


Tnode *constructBSTfrompostorder(Tnode *root,int a[],int n)
int i=0;
Tnode *t=NULL;
return root;

void postorder(Tnode *root)

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

Tnode *root=NULL;

/*root = createtreenode(15);

root->left = createtreenode(7);
root->right = createtreenode(25);

root->left->left = createtreenode(3);
root->left->right = createtreenode(10);

root->right->left = NULL;
root->right->right = createtreenode(50);

root->left->right->left = createtreenode(8);
root->left->right->right = createtreenode(12);

root->left->right->left->left = NULL;
root->left->right->left->right = createtreenode(9);

root->left->right->right->left = createtreenode(11);
root->left->right->right->right = createtreenode(14);

root->right->right->left = createtreenode(30);
root->right->right->right = createtreenode(55);

root->right->right->right->left = createtreenode(52);
root->right->right->right->right = NULL;*/


int a[]={3,9,8,11,14,12,10,7,30,52,55,50,25,15};
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);

Time Complexity O(NlogN) but in worst case it will take o(N^2) Time if we have given postorder
of right skewed tree
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Monday, June 27, 2011

Longest Repeated SubString e.g. Maximum Length SubString

For instance, the longest repeated string in ``Ask not what your
country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'' is `` can do for you'', with `` your country'' a close
second place.

Suppose, though, that you had a chance to preprocess the body of text before performing searches. You could make a hash table (or search tree) to index every distinct word of the document, and store a list of every occurrence of
each word. Such an ``inverted index'' allows a program to look up a given word quickly. One can look up phrases by intersecting the lists of the words they contain, but this is subtle to implement and potentially slow. (Some web
search engines do, however, take exactly this approach.) We'll turn now to a powerful data structure and apply it to a small problem: given an input file of text, find the longest duplicated substring of characters in it. For instance, the longest repeated string in ``Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country'' is `` can do for you'', with `` your country'' a close
second place. How would you write a program to solve this problem?

Data Structure :Suffix Array


This problem is reminiscent of the anagram problem that we saw in Section 2.4. If the input string is stored in c[0..n-1], then we could start by comparing every pair of substrings using pseudocode like this

maxlen = -1
for i = [0, n)
for j = (i, n)
if (thislen = comlen(&c[i], &c[j])) > maxlen
maxlen = thislen
maxi = i
maxj = j

The comlen function returns the length that its two parameter strings have in common, starting with their first

int comlen(char *p, char *q)
i = 0
while *p && (*p++ == *q++)
return i

Because this algorithm looks at all pairs of substrings, it takes time proportional to n2, at least. We might be able to
speed it up by using a hash table to search for words in the phrases, but we'll instead take an entirely new approach.

Our program will process at most MAXN characters, which it stores in the array c:

#define MAXN 5000000
char c[MAXN], *a[MAXN];

We'll use a simple data structure known as a ``suffix array''; the structure has been used at least since the 1970's,
though the term was introduced in the 1990's. The structure is an array a of pointers to characters. As we read the
input, we initialize a so that each element points to the corresponding character in the input string:

while (ch = getchar()) != EOF
a[n] = &c[n]
c[n++] = ch
c[n] = 0

The final element of c contains a null character, which terminates all strings.
The element a[0] points to the entire string; the next element points to the suffix of the array beginning with the
second character, and so on. On the input string ``banana'', the array will represent these suffixes:

a[0]: banana
a[1]: anana
a[2]: nana
a[3]: ana
a[4]: na
a[5]: a

The pointers in the array a together point to every suffix in the string, hence the name ``suffix array''.If a long string occurs twice in the array c, it appears in two different suffixes. We will therefore sort the array to bring together equal suffixes (just as sorting brought together anagrams in Section 2.4). The ``banana'' array sorts to

a[0]: a
a[1]: ana
a[2]: anana
a[3]: banana
a[4]: na
a[5]: nana

We can then scan through this array comparing adjacent elements to find the longest repeated string, which in this case is ``ana''. We'll sort the suffix array with the qsort function: qsort(a, n, sizeof(char *), pstrcmp) The pstrcmp comparison function adds one level of indirection to the library strcmp function. This scan through the array uses the comlen function to count the number of letters that two adjacent words have in common:

for i = [0, n)
if comlen(a[i], a[i+1]) > maxlen
maxlen = comlen(a[i], a[i+1])
maxi = i
printf("%.*s\n", maxlen, a[maxi])
The printf statement uses the ``*'' precision to print maxlen characters of the string.

I ran the resulting program to find the longest repeated string in the 807,503 characters in Samuel Butler's
translation of Homer's Iliad. The program took 4.8 seconds to locate this string:
whose sake so many of the Achaeans have died at Troy, far from their homes? Go about at once among the
host, and speak fairly to them, man by man, that they draw not their ships into the sea.
The text first occurs when Juno suggests it to Minerva as an argument that might keep the Greeks (Achaeans) from
departing from Troy; it occurs shortly thereafter when Minerva repeats the argument verbatim to

Working Code:

int pstrcmp(char **p, char **q)
{ return strcmp(*p, *q); }
int comlen(char *p, char *q)
{ int i = 0;
while (*p && (*p++ == *q++))
return i;
#define M 1
#define MAXN 5000000
char c[MAXN]="banana", *a[MAXN];
int main()
{ int i, ch, n = 0, maxi, maxlen = -1;
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
a[n] = &c[n];
c[n++] = ch;
c[n] = 0;
qsort(a, n, sizeof(char *), pstrcmp);
for (i = 0; i < n-M; i++) if (comlen(a[i], a[i+M]) > maxlen) {
maxlen = comlen(a[i], a[i+M]);
maxi = i;
printf("%.*s\n", maxlen, a[maxi]);
return 0;

Time Complexity O(NLogN)
Space Comple4xity O(1)
Auxillary Space O(N)
Run Here

Source Jhon Bentely Programming Pearls

Follow Up:
How would you modify the program for finding duplicated strings to find the longest string that occurs more than M times?

int pstrcmp(char **p, char **q)
{ return strcmp(*p, *q); }
int comlen(char *p, char *q)
{ int i = 0;
while (*p && (*p++ == *q++))
return i;
#define M 1
#define MAXN 5000000
char c[MAXN], *a[MAXN];
int main()
{ int i, ch, n = 0, maxi, maxlen = -1;
while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) {
a[n] = &c[n];
c[n++] = ch;
c[n] = 0;
qsort(a, n, sizeof(char *), pstrcmp);
for (i = 0; i < n-M; i++) if (comlen(a[i], a[i+M]) > maxlen) {
maxlen = comlen(a[i], a[i+M]);
maxi = i;
printf("%.*s\n", maxlen, a[maxi]);
return 0;

Here is good lecture on suffix tree
Here you can try some of applications of suffix tree

Largest Sum Contiguous Subarray

Problem Statement:Write an efficient C program to find the sum of contiguous subarray within a one-dimensional array of numbers which has the largest sum.

Data Structure Used:Array

O(N^3) Algorithm


Find the longest arithmetic series that can be formed by choosing a sub-collection (possibly the entire collection)..TC problem

An arithmetic series consists of a sequence of terms such that each term minus its immediate predecessor gives the same result. For example, the sequence 3,7,11,15 is the terms of the arithmetic series 3+7+11+15; each term minus its predecessor equals 4. (Of course there is no requirement on the first term since it has no predecessor.)

Given a collection of integers, we want to find the longest arithmetic series that can be formed by choosing a sub-collection (possibly the entire collection). Create a class ASeries that contains a method longest that is given a int[] values and returns the length of the longest arithmetic series that can be formed from values.


Class: ASeries
Method: longest
Parameters: int[]
Returns: int
Method signature:int longest(int[] values) (be sure your method is public)

- values will contain between 2 and 50 elements inclusive.
- Each element of values will be between -1,000,000 and 1,000,000 inclusive.



Returns: 5

No arithmetic series using these values is longer than 2,3,4,5,6.


Returns: 3

-1, 1, 3 is an arithmetic series (so is 3,-1,-5).


Returns: 3

-10,-10,-10 is an arithmetic series.

I Took The Problem From My Friend Rizwan's Blog (he is Kind oF Computer Geek) :)
he told that success rate of this problem is about 52% so that makes me crazy to,solve it.

first let me try myself thinking how i can approach

Given an array of integers A, give an algorithm to find the longest Arithmetic progression in it

i.e find a sequence i1 < i2 < … < ik, such that
A[i1], A[i2], …, A[ik] forms an arithmetic progression, and k is the largest possible.
The sequence S1, S2, …, Sk is called an arithmetic progression if
Sj+1 – Sj is a constant

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Given an array and find two numbers in the array having difference equal to given number

Data Structure:Array

1.start using two pointer p1 & p2 which pints 1st & next element repectively
2.initialize p1=0 & p2=1;
3.loop down over array
a.check if their difference a[p2]-a[p1]==num if yes the print then & increment
both p1 & p2;
b.else if their difference a[p2]-a[p1]>num is less then number then increment j
c.else if their difference a[p2]-a[p1]

int main()
int arr[9]={10, 14, 17, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 45};
int i = 0;
int j = 1;
int num = 2;
while(j<9) { if(arr[j] - arr[i] == num) { printf("two numbers whose difference is equal to num are %d %d",arr[i],arr[j]); i++;j++; } else if((arr[j]-arr[i])>num)
else if((arr[j]-arr[i]) j++;

Suggested by Rajcools
Time Complexity O(N)
Space complexity O(1)
Run Here

Wap to Count Number of Set Bits in Hexadecimal Number

class Solution { public int hex_bitcount(String S); }

that given a string S containing big-endian hexadecimal representation of a non-negative integer N returns the number of bits set to 1 in binary representation of N.

Assume that the length of the string does not exceed 100,000. Assume that the string contains only characters '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'.

For example the function should return 5 when given S = "2F". The string "2F" represents the number 47. The binary representation of 47 is 101111 and it contains 5 bits set to 1.

Algorithm Used: Brian Kernighan’s Algorithm:
Subtraction of 1 from a number toggles all the bits (from right to left) till the rightmost set bit(including the righmost set bit). So if we subtract a number by 1 and do bitwise & with itself (n & (n-1)), we unset the righmost set bit. If we do n & (n-1) in a loop and count the no of times loop executes we get the set bit count.
Beauty of the this solution is number of times it loops is equal to the number of set bits in a given integer.

1 Initialize count: = 0
2 If integer n is not zero
(a) Do bitwise & with (n-1) and assign the value back to n
n: = n&(n-1)
(b) Increment count by 1
(c) go to step 2
3 Else return count

class Solution
int hex_bitcount ( String S )
int n=0,count=0;

while (n!=0)
n &= (n-1) ;
return count;
return -1;
public static void main(String a[])
Solution obj= new Solution();


Time Complexity O(logn)
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Saturday, June 25, 2011

implement Bit operation for setting & re-setting the bit in range & at ith position

Operations are
Set(i) sets the ith bit O(1)
Unset(j) unsets the jth bit Set(i,j) O(1)
sets the bits b/w i and j Unset(i,j) o(logn)..??
unsets the bits b/w i and j O(logn) ???
Design a data structure for this problem with minimum time and space complexity.

int set(int N,int i){
N = N | (1<=j;k--){
N = set(N,k);
return N;

int main(){

int N=7;
int i=3,j=2;

return 0;

Time Complexity O(n)
Space Complexity O(1)

Optmization O(logn)
Yes we can use RMQ mechenism to do this , Segment Tree is Awesome Option to set upper bound for set(i,j,) & unset(i,j) will be O(logn)

Write an Efficient Method to Check if a Number is Multiple of 3 Efficiently

There is a pattern in binary representation of the number that can be used to find if number is a multiple of 3. If difference between count of odd set bits (Bits set at odd positions) and even set bits is multiple of 3 then is the number.

Example: 23 (00..10111)
1) Get count of all set bits at odd positions (For 23 it’s 3).
2) Get count of all set bits at even positions (For 23 it’s 1).
3) If difference of above two counts is a multiple of 3 then number is also a multiple of 3.

(For 23 it’s 2 so 23 is not a multiple of 3)

Take some more examples like 21, 15, etc…

Algorithm: isMutlipleOf3(n)
1) Make n positive if n is negative.
2) If number is 0 then return 1
3) If number is 1 then return 0
4) Initialize: odd_count = 0, even_count = 0
5) Loop while n != 0
a) If rightmost bit is set then increment odd count.
b) Right-shift n by 1 bit
c) If rightmost bit is set then increment even count.
d) Right-shift n by 1 bit
6) return isMutlipleOf3(odd_count - even_count)

This can be continued for all decimal numbers.
Above concept can be proved for 3 in binary numbers in the same way.

Time Complexity: O(logn)


/* Fnction to check if n is a multiple of 3*/
int isMultipleOf3(int n)
int odd_count = 0;
int even_count = 0;

/* Make no positive if +n is multiple of 3
then is -n. We are doing this to avoid
stack overflow in recursion*/
if(n < 0) n = -n; if(n == 0) return 1; if(n == 1) return 0; while(n) { /* If odd bit is set then increment odd counter */ if(n & 1) odd_count++; n = n>>1;

/* If even bit is set then
increment even counter */
if(n & 1)
n = n>>1;

return isMultipleOf3(abs(odd_count - even_count));

/* Program to test function isMultipleOf3 */
int main()
int num = 23;
if (isMultipleOf3(num))
printf("num is multiple of 3");
printf("num is not a multiple of 3");
return 0;

Time Complexity O(logn)
Space Complexity O(1)
Source http://www.geeksforgeeks?211

Write a program to merge two BST efficiently in O(n)

There are two methods to do this :-

1)convert both tree into doubly linked list
2) merge both these doubly linked list
3) then create a tree from these merge linked list by taking median of this list as root and traverse left from root to make left subtree and traverse right from root to make right sub tree
this has complexity O(n1+n2) and space complexity O(1)

BinaryTree* sortedListToBST(ListNode *& list, int start, int end) {
if (start > end) return NULL;
// same as (start+end)/2, avoids overflow
int mid = start + (end - start) / 2;
BinaryTree *leftChild = sortedListToBST(list, start, mid-1);
BinaryTree *parent = new BinaryTree(list->data);
parent->left = leftChild;
list = list->next;
parent->right = sortedListToBST(list, mid+1, end);
return parent;

1)Find the inorder traversal of both the trees
2)Merge them into one (Giving one sorted tree)
3)Find the median of this sorted array(O(1))
Call this procedure recursively

struct tree
int data ;
tree * left , *right ;
void insert(int * array , int left , int right)
if (left<=right){ int mid=(left+right)/2; tree * root= malloc(sizeof (tree)); root->data=array[mid];
root->left=insert(array , left , mid-1);
root->right=insert(array , mid+1 , right);
return root;

Time Complexity O(N)

Imagine you have a special keyboard with the following keys: 1. A 2. Ctrl+A 3. Ctrl+C 4. Ctrl+V where CTRL+A, CTRL+C, CTRL+V each acts as one function key for “Select All”, “Copy”, and “Paste” operations respectively.

If you can only press the keyboard for N times (with the above four keys), please write a program to produce maximum numbers of A. If possible, please also print out the sequence of keys.

That is to say, the input parameter is N (No. of keys that you can press), the output is M (No. of As that you can produce).

A Most Effective Solution Is Given at

Write the code/algorithm to find the k-th Smallest Element in the Union of Two Sorted Arrays .

Given two sorted arrays A, B of size m and n respectively. Find the k-th smallest element in the union of A and B. You can assume that there are no duplicate elements.

would have to admit that this problem is pretty tricky to solve. Like most difficult problems, it requires some pretty clever observations to solve in a neat way.

The trivial way, O(m+n):
Merge both arrays and the k-th smallest element could be accessed directly. Merging would require extra space of O(m+n). The linear run time is pretty good, but could we improve it even further?

A better way, O(k):
There is an improvement from the above method, thanks to readers who suggested this. Using two pointers, you can traverse both arrays without actually merging them, thus without the extra space. Both pointers are initialized to point to head of A and B respectively, and the pointer that has the smaller of the two is incremented one step. The k-th smallest is obtained by traversing a total of k steps. This algorithm is very similar to finding intersection of two sorted arrays.

static int findKthSMallest(int[] A, int[] B, int k)//Need to Verify
int a_offset = 0, b_offset = 0;
if (A.length + B.length < k) return -1; while (true) { if (a_offset < A.length) { while (b_offset == B.length || A[a_offset] <= B[b_offset]) { a_offset++; if (a_offset + b_offset == k) return A[a_offset]; } } if (b_offset < B.length) { while (a_offset == A.length || A[a_offset] >= B[b_offset]) {
if (a_offset + b_offset == k) return B[b_offset];

The best solution, but non-trivial, O(lg m + lg n):
Although the above solution is an improvement both in run time and space complexity, it only works well for small values of k, and thus is still in linear run time. Could we improve the run time further?

The above logarithmic complexity gives us one important hint. Binary search is a great example of achieving logarithmic complexity by halving its search space in each iteration. Therefore, to achieve the complexity of O(lg m + lg n), we must halved the search space of A and B in each iteration.

We try to approach this tricky problem by comparing middle elements of A and B, which we identify as Ai and Bj. If Ai is between Bj and Bj-1, we have just found the i+j+1 smallest element. Why? Therefore, if we choose i and j such that i+j = k-1, we are able to find the k-th smallest element. This is an important invariant that we must maintain for the correctness of this algorithm.

Idea is like this since both the arrays may not be of same length lets
divide (k-1) smallest elements proportionally in both the arrays:
let i point the array A by
i=m/(m+n) * (k-1) [since we have to divide k-1 elements among two]
j=(k-1) - i
then try to insert A[i] between B[j-1] and B[j] if three are not in asc
order try to insert B[j] between A[i-1] and A[i]
If any one of the above satisfies we found kth smallest element else,
check which one is smallest among A[i] and B[j] its logical that if A[i] is
smallest then we can A[0] to A[i] for the next iteration and
k becomes k-i-1 also m becomes m-i-1 i.e now we have only m-i-1+n elements
out of which we have to find k-i-1th smallest thus the iteration goes
on until we
find our kth smallest element.
Consider 2 arrays
A={5,7,9,20}; length of A: m=4
B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6
let K be 4
i=4/10*3=1; A[1]=7;
j=3-1=2; B[2]=21;
B[1]=12 A[1]=7 B[2]=21 [not in asc order]
A[0]=5 B[2]=21 A[1]=7 [not in asc order]
so now,
k=k-i-1 =4-1-1=2
A={9,20}; length of A: m=2
B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6
i=2/8*1=0; A[0]=9;
j=1-0=1; B[1]=12;
(acutally A[-1] is just for understanding)
B[0]=10 A[0]=9 B[1]=12 [not in asc order]
A[-1]=-INF B[1]=12 A[0]=9 [not in asc order]
A={20}; length of A: m=1
B={10,12,21,27,35,50}; length of B: n=6
i=1/7*0=0; A[0]=20;
j=0-0=0; B[0]=10;
(acutally A[-1] and B[-1] are just for understanding)
B[-1]=-INF A[0]=20 B[0]=10 [not in asc order]
A[-1]=-INF B[0]=10 A[0]=20 [in asc order]
We got the Kth(4th) smallest element which is 10.

int findKthSmallest(int A[], int m, int B[], int n, int k) {
assert(m >= 0); assert(n >= 0); assert(k > 0); assert(k <= m+n); int i = (int)((double)m / (m+n) * (k-1)); int j = (k-1) - i; assert(i >= 0); assert(j >= 0); assert(i <= m); assert(j <= n); // invariant: i + j = k-1 // Note: A[-1] = -INF and A[m] = +INF to maintain invariant int Ai_1 = ((i == 0) ? INT_MIN : A[i-1]); int Bj_1 = ((j == 0) ? INT_MIN : B[j-1]); int Ai = ((i == m) ? INT_MAX : A[i]); int Bj = ((j == n) ? INT_MAX : B[j]); if (Bj_1 < Ai && Ai < Bj) return Ai; else if (Ai_1 < Bj && Bj < Ai) return Bj; assert((Ai > Bj && Ai_1 > Bj) ||
(Ai < Bj && Ai < Bj_1)); // if none of the cases above, then it is either: if (Ai < Bj) // exclude Ai and below portion // exclude Bj and above portion return findKthSmallest(A+i+1, m-i-1, B, j, k-i-1); else /* Bj < Ai */ // exclude Ai and above portion // exclude Bj and below portion return findKthSmallest(A, i, B+j+1, n-j-1, k-j-1); } Time Complexity O(logn+logm0 Space Complexity O(1) Run Here source Another Algorithm & Solution Given By My Friend Dhumanshu Algorithms you have two arrays a,b and given k now logic is to compare k/2th element of first array and k/2th element of 2nd array. this is because total no. of elements under consideration are k/2 + k/2 = k(th element we have to find) you have to take care of the case wen k is odd, in that case compare k/2th of first and (k/2 + 1)th of 2nd array now if a[k/2] > b[k/2] but a[k/2] < b[k/2 + 1] this means if we sort first k/2 elements of both arrays together i.e total k elements then a[k/2] would be the last one - our required answer. if above fails then check for b with a in the same manner. if above fails, it means we have to expand our set - the elements in consideration (earlier we took k/2 of each) now check if a[k/2]>b[k/2], but here a[k/2] is also > b[k/2 +1], now we have to look on left side of array a and right side of array b,
so call recursively with array a between (0,k/2 -1) and array b between (k/2 +1 , b.length).
if above fails then check for b with a viceversa.

This is the algo behind but u have to take care of special cases like if one array elements are all out of set, you are left with 1 array, so call normal binary search on that leftover array to find kth element.

Working Code


int ssearch(int *a,int l,int h,int k)
if(l + k -1 > h)
return -1;
return a[l+k-1];

int kthlargest(int *a,int *b,int la,int ra,int lb,int rb,int k)
//get optimum mida and midb
int mida = la + k/2 - 1,midb = lb + k/2 - 1 + k%2;

mida += midb-rb;
midb = rb;
else if(mida>ra)
midb += mida-ra;
mida = ra;

//check extremes in case one array expires
if(mida>ra || midara)
return ssearch(b,lb,rb,k-(ra-la+1));
if(midb>rb || midbrb)
return ssearch(a,la,ra,k-(rb-lb+1));
if(mida=b[midb] ? a[mida] : b[midb];
//either way
if(mida==ra || a[mida+1]>=b[midb])
return b[midb];
return kthlargest(a,b,mida+1,ra,lb,midb-1,k-mida-1+la);

if (midb==rb || a[mida]<=b[midb+1]) return a[mida]; else return kthlargest(a,b,la,mida-1,midb+1,rb,k-midb-1+lb); } int main() { int a[]={4,8,12,18,25,33,56}; int b[]={1,2,3,6,17,18,25,26,32,89}; int k,i; for(i=0;ib[0]?b[0]:a[0]);
printf("k th smallest element is %d\n",kthlargest(a,b,0,sizeof(a)/sizeof(int)-1,0,sizeof(b)/sizeof(int)-1,k));
return 0;

Friday, June 24, 2011

You are given 2 number streams. You need to find whether they will create the same BST or not.

Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 20 15 30 5
Result: True

Array1:10 5 20 15 30
Array2:10 15 30 20 5
Result: False (see corresponding trees below)

1st Approach (Basic Solution)

1.Create BST from each Array O(nlogn)
2.Check two BST are same or not by comparing each nodes both at poistion.

Time Complexity O(nlogn)
Space Complexity O(1)

2nd Approach

Given a row of notes (with specified values), two players play a game. At each turn, any player can pick a note from any of the two ends. How will the first player maximize his score? Both players will play optimally.

Problem Statement

Kingdom of Maplewood is a beautiful country comprising of a lot of small islands of different areas. All the islands are in a straight row. King Rosewood is getting old and has decided to divide the islands among his two sons - Eric and Finn. Luckily, the total number of islands is even. He has also decided a few rules for the division of islands:

i) Eric and Finn will be given alternate turns to choose the islands
ii) They can only choose one island at a time from either the beginning or the end of the row of islands.
iii) Once an island is chosen by someone,it cannot be chosen by other person.
Suppose you are Eric and you are given the first choice. Find out the maximum area you are sure you can pick.

Detailed Analysis
so basically There are n coins in a line. (Assume n is even). Two players take turns to take a coin from one of the ends of the line until there are no more coins left. The player with the larger amount of money wins.

1. Would you rather go first or second? Does it matter?
2. Assume that you go first, describe an algorithm to compute the maximum
amount of money you can win.

1st Approach (whether n is even or odd)
if we sort all the coins assume we have array of denominations then it doesn't matter coin odd or even if i start the picking 1st i will definitely win because i will always start 1st or last depending upon sorting.
Although Algorithm will give make sure us that we will win & get the maximum sum but still it don't give us optimal solution don't believe see below.

Time Complexity O(nlogn) So Not Efficient Can we do better.?

2nd Approach (Greedy Approach )

1. Count the sum of all coins that are odd-numbered. (Call this A)
2. Count the sum of all coins that are even-numbered. (Call this B)
3. If A > B, take the left-most coin first. Choose all odd-numbered coins in
subsequent moves.
4. If A < B, take the right-most coin first. Choose all even-numbered coins in subsequent moves. 5. If A == B, you will guarantee to get a tie if you stick with taking only even-numbered/odd-numbered coins. lets run this for 3 2 2 3 1 2 A=3+2+2=7 B=2+3+1=6 A>B so get maximum money that we can make is 7 unit.

although we are able to decrease the time to O(n) to O(nlogn) but still we are sure that we wont get the optimal solution because there can be a test case for which above algo will fail although we will win but won't get the optimal solution .e.g maximum money

Take a Counter test case 3 2 2 3 1 2
A pick left 3 B has two choice left & right 2 no matter what he choose A will choose 2 then we have 2 3 1 left in array so B will definitely choose 2 because he don't have any choice so then a will choose 3 thus making a sum of 3+3+2=8 which more money then what we got in last solution .

So what to do ? we need an efficient algorithm in terms of minimum time & space that can run on big data set as well...yes its sounds like DP..but how we will come up recursive solution , where is overlapping occurs ?

let me explain say we have an array denoted by A1...Ai.....Aj...An .as we always start from any of the end we will come up in middle after some inputs & lets say we are at array as all before Ai & all after aj have counted by us isn't it.??.
so The remaining coins are { Ai … Aj } and it is your turn. Let P(i, j) denotes the maximum amount of money you can get. the question comes Should you choose Ai or Aj?
so we have two option every time lets choose Ai first then remaining have A(i+1)...Aj for opponent , as he is smart as much you are he will also choose best to maximize the money. so the maximum amount he can get is P(i+1..j).

so lets say we have already computed some for denoted by sum(i..j)
so when you choose Ai then maximum amount you can get is say p1

& when you choose Aj then opponent have maximum sum denoted by p(i+1..j-1)
then maximum amount you can get is say p2

then optimal solution can be founded as as we said earlier maximum amount of money we can get when we are in range A[..Aj is denoted by p(i,j)_
P(i, j) = max { P1, P2 }
= max { Sum{Ai ... Aj} - P(i+1, j),
Sum{Ai ... Aj} - P(i, j-1)}

or we write
P(i, j) = Sum{Ai ... Aj} - min { P(i+1, j), P(i, j-1) }

Most Efficient Solution
There is another solution which does not rely on computing and storing results of Sum{Ai … Aj}, therefore is more efficient in terms of time and space. Let us rewind back to the case where you take Ai, and the remaining coins become { Ai+1 … Aj }.

You took Ai from the coins { Ai … Aj }. The opponent will choose either Ai+1 or Aj. Which one would he choose?

Let us look one extra step ahead this time by considering the two coins the opponent will possibly take, Ai+1 and Aj. If the opponent takes Ai+1, the remaining coins are { Ai+2 … Aj }, which our maximum is denoted by P(i+2, j). On the other hand, if the opponent takes Aj, our maximum is P(i+1, j-1). Since the opponent is as smart as you, he would have chosen the choice that yields the minimum amount to you.

Therefore, the maximum amount you can get when you choose Ai is:

P1 = Ai + min { P(i+2, j), P(i+1, j-1) }

Similarly, the maximum amount you can get when you choose Aj is:

P2 = Aj + min { P(i+1, j-1), P(i, j-2) }


P(i, j) = max { P1, P2 }
= max { Ai + min { P(i+2, j), P(i+1, j-1) },
Aj + min { P(i+1, j-1), P(i, j-2) } }

Although the above recurrence relation could be implemented in few lines of code, its complexity is exponential. The reason is that each recursive call branches into a total of four separate recursive calls, and it could be n levels deep from the very first call). Memoization provides an efficient way by avoiding re-computations using intermediate results stored in a table. Below is the code which runs in O(n2) time and takes O(n2) space.

Working Code:


#define MAX(A,B) ((A>=B)? A: B)
#define MIN(A,B) ((A7))
return 0;

if (P2[i][j] == 0) {
counter ++;
P2[i][j] = MAX(A[i] + MIN(maxMoney2(A, P2, i+2, j), maxMoney2(A, P2, i+1, j-1)),
A[j] + MIN(maxMoney2(A, P2, i+1,j-1), maxMoney2(A, P2, i, j-2)));

return P2[i][j];

int main()
int value;

value = maxMoney2(coin_input, P2, 0, 5);

printf("The max money is %d, total calculation: %d\r\n", value, counter);

Time Complexity O(N^2)
Space Complexity O(N^2)
Run Here

Partition of Array Problem-NP Complete

the partition problem is an NP-complete problem. The problem is to decide whether a given multiset of integers can be partitioned into two "halves" that have the same sum. More precisely, given a multiset S of integers, is there a way to partition S into two subsets S1 and S2 such that the sum of the numbers in S1 equals the sum of the numbers in S2? The subsets S1 and S2 must form a partition in the sense that they are disjoint and they cover S. The optimization version asks for the "best" partition, and can be stated as: Find a partition into two subsets S1,S2 such that max({sum}(S_1),{sum}(S_2)) is minimized (sometimes with the additional constraint that the sizes of the two sets in the partition must be equal, or differ by at most 1).

In Progress

Sum Of SubSet problem- NP Complete Problem

the subset sum problem is an important problem in complexity theory and cryptography. The problem is this: given a set of integers, is there a non-empty subset whose sum is exactly zero? For example, given the set { −7, −3, −2, 5, 8}, the answer is yes because the subset { −3, −2, 5} sums to zero. The problem is NP-complete.

A Simple Example

int C(int n,int k)
if (k==0 || k==n)
return 1;
return C(n-1,k-1) + C(n-1,k);

Bin Packing Problem . One of The My Fav. Problem NP Hard

n objects to be placed in bins of capacity L each.,Determine the minimum number of bins needed to accommodate all n objects.

Given: n objects to be placed in bins of capacity L each.
Object i requires li units of bin capacity.
Objective: determine the minimum number of bins needed to
accommodate all n objects.

eg. Let L = 10
l1=5 t4==7
l2=6 t5=5
l3=3 t6=4

Data Structure Used:Array

Bin packing problem is NP complete when formulated as a decision problem.
As an optimization problem bin packing is NP-hard

Approximation Algorithm for Bin Packing:

1. First Fit (FF)
- Label bins as 1, 2, 3, . . .
- Objects are considered for packing in the order 1, 2, 3, . . .
- Pack object i in bin j where j is the least index such that
bin j can contain object i.

2. Best Fit (BF)
Same as FF, except that when object i is to be packed, find out
that bin which after accommodating object i will have the least
amount of space left.

3. First Fit Decreasing (FFD)
reorder objects so that
li>li+1 1<=i<=n then use FF. 4. Best Fit Decreasing (BFD) reorder objects as above and then use BF. Th. Packing generated by either FF or BF uses no more then 17/10 OPT + 2 Bins That by either FFD or BFD uses no more than 11/9 OPT+ 4 Bins 1/9=9/9+2/9 This is a very straightforward greedy approximation algorithm. The algorithm processes the items in arbitrary order. For each item, it attempts to place the item in the first bin that can accommodate the item. If no bin is found, it opens a new bin and puts the item within the new bin. It is rather simple to show this algorithm achieves an approximation factor of 2. This is due to the observation that at any given time, it is impossible for 2 bins to be at most half full. The reason is that if at some point a bin was at most half full, meaning it has at least a space of V / 2, the algorithm will not open a new bin for any item whose size is at most V / 2. Only after the bin fills with more than V / 2 or if an item with a size larger than V / 2 arrives, the algorithm may open a new bin. Thus if we have B bins, at least B − 1 bins are more than half full. Therefore \sum_{i=1}^n a_i>\tfrac{B-1}{2}V. Because \tfrac{\sum_{i=1}^n a_i}{V} is a lower bound of the optimum value OPT, we get that B − 1 < 2OPT and therefore B ≤ 2OPT.[1] See analysis below for better approximation results. float[] used = new float[n + 1]; //used[j] is the amount of space in bin j already used up. int i, j; Initialize all used entries to 0.0 Sort S into descending(nonincreasing)order, giving the sequence S1 >= S2 >= ... >= Sn.
for(i = 1; i <= n; i++)
//Look for a bin in which s[i] fits.
for(j = 1; j <= n; j++)
if (used[j]+si<+1.0)
bin[i] = j;
used[j] += si;
break; //exit for(j)
//continue for(i)

Time Complexity O(nlogn)
Space Complexity O(1)
Auxiliary Space O(n)

Run Here

A guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness by Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson

Wap to Find Next Higher Number of Given NUmber , Containing Same Number of SetBits

# Problem

* Given a number m find the next higher number r , that has same number of 1-bits.

* Ex : 3 (0000011) => 5(0000101)

* 6(0000110) => 9(0001001)

* 11(0001011) => 13(0001101)

* 23(0010111) => 27(0011011)

* 24(0011000) => 33(0100001)

* 44(0101100) => 49(0110001)

* 46(0101110) => 51(00110011)

1st Thinking(Algorithm)
1.count number of set bits in given number .
2. start from that number in loop & count number of set bits in all number > n untill we found the same set bits in any number, once found stop.

but problem with this algorithm is that it will take too much time for bignumber
O(N) where N is number of iteration untill we find number > N with same number of set bits.

2nd Solution (Most Optimized)

# Observations I

* Look at the input and the outputs again and see if you can make some algorithm out of it

* 3 (0000011) => 5(0000101)

* 6(0000110) => 9(0001001)

* 11(0001011) => 13(0001101)

* 23(0010111) => 27(0011011)

* 24(0011000) => 33(0100001)

* 44(0101100) => 49(0110001)

* 46(0101110) => 51(00110011)

# Observations II

* Hint : Now concentrate on the highlighted parts of input

* 3 (0000 011 ) => 5(0000 101 )

* 6(000 0110 ) => 9(000 1001 )

* 11(0001 011 ) => 13(0001 101 )

* 23(001 0111 ) => 27(001 1011 )

* 24(0 011000 ) => 33(0 100001 )

* 44(01 01100 ) => 49(01 10001 )

* 46(01 01110 ) => 51(01 10011 )

# Observations III

* As you can see,

o the non-highlighted part is same in i/p and o/p as well

o And the highlighted part is consecutive 1’s from the least-significant side (right hand side)

* 3 (0000 011 ) => 5(0000 101 )

* 6(000 0110 ) => 9(000 1001 )

* 11(0001 011 ) => 13(0001 101 )

* 23(001 0111 ) => 27(001 1011 )

* 24(0 011000 ) => 33(0 100001 )

* 44(01 01100 ) => 49(01 10001 )

* 46(01 01110 ) => 51(01 10011 )

# Observations IV

* As you can see, the non-highlighted part is same in i/p and o/p as well

* 3 (0000 011 ) => 5(0000 101 )

* 6(000 0110 ) => 9(000 1001 )

* 11(0001 011 ) => 13(0001 101 )

* 23(001 0111 ) => 27(001 1011 )

* 24(0 011000 ) => 33(0 100001 )

* 44(01 01100 ) => 49(01 10001 )

* 46(01 01110 ) => 51(01 10011 )

# Observations V

* Now lets just look at what changed

* 011 => 101

* 0110 => 1001

* 011 => 101

* 0111 => 1011

* 011000 => 100001

* 01100 => 10001

* 01110 => 10011

* Do you see a pattern?

# Observations VI

* Yes, as you have rightly observed, left hand side is :

o A 0 followed by

o One or more 1’s (say x) followed by

o Zero or more 0’s (say y)

* Is changed to

o A 1 followed by

o (y+1) zeroes followed by

o (x-1) 1’s

* 0 11 => 1 0 1

* 0 11 000 => 1 0 000 1


# Now let’s frame the algorithm

* Given a bit-pattern, start from right, find successive zeroes (xxxx01111 0000 )

* Followed by zeroes find successive 1’s (xxxx0 1111 0000 )

* Stop on hitting a zero (xxxx 0 1111 0000 )

* Interchange that zero with a 1 from successive 1’s (xxxx 1 0 111 0000 )

* Now move the remaining 1’s to extreme right, filling the gap with zeroes (xxxx 1 0 0000 111 )

# Doing it programmatically in C

* unsigned snoob(unsigned x) {

o unsigned smallest, ripple, ones;

o // x = xxx0 1111 0000

o smallest = x & -x; // 0000 0001 0000

o ripple = x + smallest; // xxx1 0000 0000

o ones = x ^ ripple; // 0001 1111 0000

o ones = (ones >> 2)/smallest; // 0000 0000 0111

o return ripple | ones; // xxx1 0000 0111

* }

Working Code:


using namespace std;

typedef unsigned int uint_t;

// this function returns next higher number with same number of set bits as x.
uint_t snoob(uint_t x)

uint_t rightOne;
uint_t nextHigherOneBit;
uint_t rightOnesPattern;

uint_t next = 0;


// right most set bit
rightOne = x & -(signed)x;

// reset the pattern and set next higher bit
// left part of x will be here
nextHigherOneBit = x + rightOne;

// nextHigherOneBit is now part [D] of the above explanation.

// isolate the pattern
rightOnesPattern = x ^ nextHigherOneBit;

// right adjust pattern
rightOnesPattern = (rightOnesPattern)/rightOne;

// correction factor
rightOnesPattern >>= 2;

// rightOnesPattern is now part [A] of the above explanation.

// integrate new pattern (Add [D] and [A])
next = nextHigherOneBit | rightOnesPattern;

return next;

int main()
int x = 156;
cout<<"Next higher number with same number of set bits is "<
return 0;

Time Complexity O(1)
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics below problem.

Imagine a (literal) stack of plates. If the stack gets too high, it might topple. Therefore,
in real life, we would likely start a new stack when the previous stack exceeds some threshold. Implement a data structure SetOfStacks that mimics this. SetOfStacks
should be composed of several stacks, and should create a new stack once the previous one exceeds capacity. SetOfStacks.push() and SetOfStacks.pop() should behave identically to a single stack (that is, pop() should return the same values as it would if there were just a single stack).

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Describe how you could use a single array to implement three stacks..Optimize SOlution Needed

Approach 1:

Divide the array in three equal parts and allow the individual stack to grow in that limited space (note: “[“ means inclusive, while “(“ means exclusive of the end point).
»»for stack 1, we will use [0, n/3)
»»for stack 2, we will use [n/3, 2n/3)
»»for stack 3, we will use [2n/3, n)
This solution is based on the assumption that we do not have any extra information about the usage of space by individual stacks and that we can’t either modify or use any

Approach 2:
In this approach, any stack can grow as long as there is any free space in the array.
We sequentially allocate space to the stacks and we link new blocks to the previous block. This means any new element in a stack keeps a pointer to the previous top element of that particular stack.
In this implementation, we face a problem of unused space. For example, if a stack deletes some of its elements, the deleted elements may not necessarily appear at the end of the array.
So, in that case, we would not be able to use those newly freed spaces.
To overcome this deficiency, we can maintain a free list and the whole array space would be given initially to the free list. For every insertion, we would delete an entry from the free list. In case of deletion, we would simply add the index of the free cell to the free list.
In this implementation we would be able to have flexibility in terms of variable space utilization
but we would need to increase the space complexity.

Wap to Replace all the instances of ’%’ with this string s,offered that the length of the array

Given an array of dimension n with very first l positions crammed with characters and a string s ,replace all the instances of ’%’ with this string s,offered that the length of the array is enough to deal with these substitutions.

input output

eg: abcdef%ghi%—— and “ppp” abcdefpppghippp

Although program is Simple but i am posting here as i found on one forum that it is asked by MS:)

Data Structure:Array

1.count number of % character
2.increase size of array by lenth + 2* number op & chars.
3. scan through new array & replace all % occurance with "ppp"

class test
public static void ReplaceFun(char[] str, int length) {
int percentCount= 0, newLength, i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
         if (str[i] == '%')

newLength = length + percentCount* 2; str[newLength] = '\0';

for (i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
if (str[i] == '%')
str[newLength - 1] = 'p';
str[newLength - 2] = 'p';
str[newLength - 3] = 'p';
newLength = newLength - 3;
str[newLength - 1] = str[i];
newLength = newLength - 1;

public static void main(String a[])
ReplaceFun(new char[]{'s','h','%','a','%','%','s','h','a','n','%','%','%','k'},15);


WAP to Create New Arrayfrom Given Array Suuch That array2[i] will hold the value of the left-most integer from the range array1[i+1] to array1[n-1] such that it is greater than array1[i]. If no such element exists, assign -1.

You are given an array of integers, say array1 of size n. You have to create another array (say array2) and fill its contents by following this rule: array2[i] will hold the value of the left-most integer from the range array1[i+1] to array1[n-1] such that it is greater than array1[i]. If no such element exists, assign -1.

Example ar[]={4,5,2,25}
4 --> 5
5 --> 25
2 --> 25
25 --> -1
arr[]=1 21 8 11 13 9 6
1- 21
21- -1
8 11
11 13
13 -1
9 -1
6 -1

Data Structure:


Time Complexity O(N^2)
Space Complexity O(1)
Run here

Optimize Approach

Time Complexity O(N)
Space Complexity O(N) Stack Space
Run here

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Detect 1% Duplicate Entry in a File of 13 Million Entries Efficiently.

We have a text file with 13 Million entries, all numbers in the range from 1.000.000 to 100.000.000. Each line has only one number. The file is unordered and we have about 1% duplicate entries. Remove the duplicates.

As We have a Huge Data obvious things that should come into mind is using bit array or bit set where ith bit represent the position of number in array of size 13* 2^20

before start solving question i suggest you people to check basics of bit operations here

using namespace std;
int main()
int i=0,j=0,k=0;
int n=18;
n|=1<<3;//Set the ith bit here i=3
printf( " %d ", n);
n&=~(1<<3);//clear ith bit
printf( " %d ", n);
n^=1<<1;//toggle ith bit
printf( " %d ", n);
i=n&(1<<4)?1:0;//check ith (i=4)bit set or not
printf( " %d ", i);
return 0;

Data Structure:Bit Array

1.set ith bit n bit arry when reading number 1 by one from file .
2.if ith bit corrosponding to number is already set then number is duplicate .
& we are done.

as we are using bit array here so When using an array of bytes to represent set of bits, i.e., a bit array or bitset, the index of the byte in the array associated with a bit n can be calculated using division:

ith index / CHAR_BIT (number represented by 32 bit or 64 bit etc)

where n is the index of the given bit and CHAR_BIT gives the number of bits in a C char.

"this will give position of byte element in array elements"

The index of the bit within the byte indexed by the above can be calculated via a modulo operation:


"so this will give us position of bit inside byte."

so then we can write the following method to find 1% duplicates

bool setBit(int a[], int i)
int index = i / 8; //position number in array
int offset = i % 8;//position of bit in byte
if (a[index] & (1<< offset))//check bit is set or not
return false;//when ith bit is already set
a[index] |= 1< return true;

Time Complexity O(N) size of file
Feel Free to Comment or Optmize the Solution

Given a 1D Array (linear) , you have to convert it in to 2D array & then find sum of each have given number of rows K & number of elemnets N in array.

You are given a 1D array of integers, such as: int[] array = [3,4,7,2,2,6,0,9];
Suppose you need to treat this array as a 2D table with a given number of rows.
You want to sum the columns of the table.One value of numRows is that case the resultant array would look like

what if numRows==4?
3 4
7 2
2 6
0 9
12 21

Data Structure : 2D Array

1.As we have given Number of elements N in array & number of rows k to make 2D
Array we can easily find out number of column C=N/k
2.Then using two for loop down the 2D array 1st loop run for coumns & inner loop
work for rows.(A Tricky Mind Needed here although so Simple
).as in inner loop
we will increment by value of column we get.

Working Code:

using namespace std;
int main()
int i=0,j=0,k=0,sum=0;
int r=3;//row
int a[]={3,4,7,2,2,6,0,9,5,8,11};
int n=sizeof(a)/sizeof(int);

while(k {
for(i=k;i {
cout< sum=0;

return 0;

Time Complexity O(column*row)=O(N) see above relation C=N/r
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Given ‘n’ no of sets and each set is of a variable size. Find out the cross product of these ‘n’ of sets.

For eg. {1,2} , {3,4} , {5,6,7} these are the three sets.The cross product of these sets would be as below.

Data Structure: Binary Tree


Working Code:

Time Complexity
Space Complexity
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Given an array of integers, find out number of ways in which you can select increasing subsequences of length k(k<=n).

eg array is 1 4 6 2 5 & k=3
Output: 3
Sequences: 1 4 6, 1 4 5, 1 2 5

Question is a variant of longest increasing sub sequence problem(LIS Problem) or longest consecutive elements


Data Structure: Array

Working Code:By Manu


class LISOfLengthK

private static void lisOfLengthK(Integer [] inputArray, int k) {
int n = inputArray.length, temp, count;
Integer [] best = new Integer[n];
Integer [] last = new Integer[n];
Integer [] outputArray = new Integer[k];
for(int i=0;i inputArray[i]) {
best[j] = best[i]+1;
last[j] = i;
if(best[j] == k) {
temp = j;
count =0;
outputArray[count++] = inputArray[temp];
while(last[temp] != -1) {
outputArray[count++] = inputArray[last[temp]];
temp = last[temp];
for(int index=k-1;index>=0;index--)
System.out.print(outputArray[index] + " ");

public static void main(String[] args) throws NumberFormatException, IOException {
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
int n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
Integer [] inputArray = new Integer[n];
for(int i=0;i inputArray[i] = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
int k = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine());
lisOfGivenLength(inputArray, k);


Time Complexity O(N^2)
Space Complexity O(1)

WAP Convert Set of Nodes of Binary Tree where each node contains two value i, j & i value follow BST property , j value follow Heap Property, Build BST form these Nodes.

A rooted binary tree with keys in its nodes has the binary search tree
property (BST property) if, for every node, the keys in its left
subtree are smaller than its own key, and the keys in its right
subtree are larger than its own key. It has the heap property if, for
every node, the keys of its children are all smaller than its own key.
You are given a set of n binary tree nodes that each contain an
integer i and an integer j. No two i values are equal and no two j
values are equal. We must assemble the nodes into a single binary tree
where the i values obey the BST property and the j values obey the
heap property. If you pay attention only to the second key in each
node, the tree looks like a heap, and if you pay attention only to the
first key in each node, it looks like a binary search tree.Describe a
recursive algorithm for assembling such a tree

Indirectly They Asked to Implement Treap

Data Structure: Treap( Heap + Binary Search Tree)

1.Sort the nodes in decreasing order of their j values and then simply build the
2.BST according to the i values starting from the first node in the obtained sorted
list. The first node will be the root. For example, let the given nodes (i,j
pairs) be:

so our structure of node will looks like this

struct node
int i;
int j;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;

For Example:
(12,6) (18,25) (19,10) (17,5) (19,10) i.e. 5 nodes
nodes after sorting in decreasing order according to j values:
(18,25) (16,11) (19,10) (12,6) (17,5)
So the tree would be something like this:

| |
(16,11) (19,10)
| |
(12,6) (17,5)

Working Code:


struct node
int i;
int j;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;

void mySwap(struct node **n1, struct node **n2)
struct node *tmp;
tmp = *n1;
*n1 = *n2;
*n2 = tmp;

struct node *myInsert(struct node *root, struct node *nodeToInsert)
if(root == NULL)
return nodeToInsert;
if(nodeToInsert->i <= root->i)
root->left = myInsert(root->left,nodeToInsert);
root->right = myInsert(root->right,nodeToInsert);
return root;

void myFunc(struct node *arr[], struct node **resultTree, int size)
int ind;
int maxInd = 0;
for(ind=0;indj > arr[maxInd]->j)
maxInd = ind;
*resultTree = myInsert(*resultTree,arr[maxInd]);//inserting node with maximum j value

int main()
int n;
struct node *arr[100];
int ind;
int ival,jval;
struct node *result = NULL;
for(ind=0;indi = ival;
arr[ind]->j = jval;
arr[ind]->left = NULL;
arr[ind]->right = NULL;
for(ind=0;ind free(arr[ind]);
return 0;

Solution Given BY Vipul

Time Complexity O(N^2)
Space Complexity O(logn)
Run Here

WAP to Find Two Leaf Nodes in Binary Tree such that F(x,y) is maximum

Given a binary tree, find 2 leaf nodes say X and Y such that F(X,Y) is maximum where F(X,Y) = sum of nodes in the path from root to X + sum of nodes in the path from root to Y - sum of nodes in the common path from root to first common ancestor of the Nodes X and Y

Data Structure: Binary Tree


Working Code:

Time Complexity
Space Complexity

WAP to Find Number of Pairs of Intersecting Disc ,Given Array of N Integers .

Given an array A of N integers we draw N discs in a 2D plane, such that i-th disc has center in (0,i) and a radius A[i]. We say that k-th disc and j-th disc intersect, if k! =j and k-th and j-th discs have at least one common point.

Write a function

class Solution { public int number_of_disc_intersections(int[] A); }

which given an array A describing N discs as explained above, returns the number of pairs of intersecting discs. For example, given N=6 and

A[0]=1 A[1]=5 A[2]=2 A[3]=1 A[4]=4 A[5]=0

there are 11 pairs of intersecting discs:

0th and 1st
0th and 2nd
0th and 4th
1st and 2nd
1st and 3rd
1st and 4th
1st and 5th
2nd and 3rd
2nd and 4th
3rd and 4th
4th and 5th

so the function should return 11.

The function should return -1 if the number of intersecting pairs exceeds 10,000,000. The function may assume that N does not exceed 10,000,000

Hint & Algorithms: Use HashTable , Linear Probing Based, in Case of Collision increment Corresponding Counter,if i am correct ,coding part is very easy, still if get time, will surely put running code here as usual :) Happy Coding

Time Complexity O(N) Where N is Size of Array
Space Complexity O(N)

WAP to Find equilibrium index in Unsorted Array of Size N, Efficiently

The equilibrium index of a sequence is an index such that the sum of elements at lower indexes is equal to the sum of elements at higher indexes. For example, in a sequence A:

A[0]=-7 A[1]=1 A[2]=5 A[3]=2 A[4]=-4 A[5]=3 A[6]=0

3 is an equilibrium index, because:

6 is also an equilibrium index, because:

(The sum of zero elements is zero) 7 is not an equilibrium index - because it is not a valid index of sequence A. If you still have doubts, here is a precise definition: The integer k is an equilibrium index of a sequence A[0],A[1]..,A[n-1] if and only if 0<= k and sum(A[0..(k-1)])=sum(A[(k+1)..(n-1)]). Assume the sum of zero elements is equal to zero.

Write a function
int equi(int A[], int n)

that, given a sequence, returns its equilibrium index (any) or -1 if no equilibrium index exists. Assume that the sequence may be very long.

The problem can be solved by using various approaches, the most common being simply to follow the equilibrium definition:

int equi ( int A[], int n ) {
int k, m, lsum, rsum;
for(k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
lsum = 0; rsum = 0;
for(m = 0; m < k; ++m) lsum += A[m];
for(m = k + 1; m < n; ++m) rsum += A[m];
if (lsum == rsum) return k;
return -1;

Time Complexity o(N^2)
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Unfortunately, this approach has two disadvantages:

* it fails on large input data sets, since the time complexity is O(n2)
* it fails on large input values (for example if the input array contains values like MIN/MAX_INT) due to the arithmetic overflows

The solution analysis will detect such problems in submitted code:

Optimized Solution

We can fix the first problem with a better algorithm, and the second problem with a better data-type (for example, using long long type instead of int for sum computations). The key observation for better running time is to update the left/right sums in constant time instead of recomputing them from the scratch.

int equi(int arr[], int n) {
if (n==0) return -1;
long long sum = 0;
int i;
long long sum_left = 0;
for(i=0;i long long sum_right = sum - sum_left - (long long) arr[i];
if (sum_left == sum_right) return i;
sum_left += (long long) arr[i];
return -1;

Using this solution, you can obtain a perfect answer:

To return all equilibrium index we can print instead of returning the single index

Time Complexity O(N)
Space Complexity O(1)
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Construct Binary Tree From Ancester Matrix Efficiently

You are given a matrix M[n, n] for a tree with n nodes. In the given matrix M, M[i, j] is true iff node j is an ancestor of node i. Construct the tree from the given matrix.

For example, you are given below matrix.

1 2 3 4
1 0 1 1 0

2 0 0 1 0

3 0 0 0 0

4 0 1 1 0

You need to construct the below tree. In the constructed tree ancestor relationship should be correct. A node can come on left or right of its parent as you cannot determine this information from the ancestor matrix

Node numbers used in matrix are in bracket
/ \
/ \
12(1) 13(4)

Data Structure Used: 2-D Array , Binary Tree


Time Complexity
Space Complexity

Given an array and an integer k, find the maximum for each and every contiguous sub array of size k.

Sample Input :
1 2 3 1 4 5 2 3 6
3 [ value of k ]

Sample Output :

This Question is Asked By Google Indirectly for Maximum in window or subarray of size k in array of size n, yes it is sliding window problem, as window slides we need to find out the maximum in each window. is it ??

Input: A long array A[], and a window width w
Output: An array B[], B[i] is the maximum value of from A[i] to A[i+w-1]
Requirement: Find a good optimal way to get B[i]

Solution: It Can Solved By Two Ways in This Question Data Structure Plays Important Role

The obvious solution with run time complexity of O(nw) is which is not efficient enough. Every time the window is moved, we have to search for the maximum from w elements in the window. where w is size of window & n is size of array

1st Method(Naive Approach)

Data Structure Used : Array
Algorithm: A.for all i=0 to n-w+1 (we should have at-least w elements in window)
B.for all j=i to i+w (keep incrementing windows size form left to right)
C find maximum inn each window & print it or put in array (Auxiliary)


void printMaxInSlidingWindows(int a[],int n,int w)

int max=0;
int i=0,j=0;

for (i = 0; i max)


printf( " %d ", max);


int main()
int a[]={1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7};

TC O(nw)
SC O(1)
Run Here

2nd Method

Data Structure Used: Queue(More Efficient)

We need a data structure where we can store the candidates for maximum value in the window and discard the element, which are outside the boundary of window. For this, we need a data structure in which we can edit at both the ends, front and back. Deque is a perfect candidate for this problem.

We are trying to find a way in which, we need not search for maximum element among all in the window. We will make sure that the largest element in the window would always appear in the front of the queue.
While traversing the array in forward direction if we find a window where element A[i] > A[j] and i > j, we can surely say that A[j], will not be the maximum element for this and succeeding windows. So there is no need of storing j in the queue and we can discard A[j] forever.
For example, if the current queue has the elements: [4 13 9], and a new element in the window has the element 15. Now, we can empty the queue without considering elements 4, 13, and 9, and insert only element 15 into the queue.

Every time, we move to a new window, we will be getting a new element and leave an old element. We should take care of:
Popping elements outside the window from queue front.
Popping elements that are less than new element from the queue.
Push new element in the queue as per above discussion.

Note:Optimization Done In Done so that we can Find The Maximum of Each Window in O(1)

Here Is Tunning Code

import java.util.*;

class Maximumin_SlidingWindow

public static void main(String ar[])

Integer a[]=new Integer[]{1,3,-1,-3,5,3,6,7};
int w=3,i=0;
int size=a.length;
Integer b[]=new Integer[size-w+1];



//Initilize deque Q for first window
for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) { while (!Q.isEmpty() && A[i] >= A[Q.peekLast()])

for (int i = w; i < n; i++) { B[i-w] = A[Q.peekFirst()]; //update Q for new window while (!Q.isEmpty() && A[i] >= A[Q.peekLast()])

//Pop older element outside window from Q
while (!Q.isEmpty() && Q.peekFirst() <= i-w)

//Insert current element in Q
B[n-w] = A[Q.peekFirst()];


TC O(n)n Since Eacj Array Element is Inserted & deleted At-Most Once
SC O(1)
Run Here

Which is the Best Data structure which is supposed to log number of user requests per second.

Make a Data structure which is supposed to log number of user requests per second. At any point of time your boss can ask you the number of hits for the last 60 seconds. It can be at any time for example he will say at 71st second that tell me how many hits for past 30 seconds or something, but this window can go maximum upto 60 seconds to in the previous example 11 to 71.

Data Structure Used: Queue(Basic Approach),Circuler Queue,Binary Index Tree(Most Efficient)

Algorithm & Solution

Take a queue of length 60. Each second do a Deque() and enque(#of users logged this second). For query traverse from tail of the queue to that many seconds as asked and sum all of those.

Algorithm: (Optimized with array)

N <- 60
A is an array of length N. holds the queue. Initialized to 0.
p is the pointer to head of the queue
tick is the system clock whose value increases by 1 each second

enque (n) // does a simultaneous deque()
p <- (p+N-1) mod N
A[p] <- n

n <- 0
t <- tick
while true
if( t == tick && new user has logged in)
n <- n+1

else if (t < tick)
n <- 0
t <- tick

sum <- 0
for i <- 0 to t-1
sum <- sum + A[ (p+i) mod N]

return sum

where tick is the memory/register where system keeps track of each second passed by incrementing its value by 1 every second. tick can be read by any program in the system but can be written only by system clock hw/sw. Now, in the 'while' loop, eventually tick will be incremented by system clock hw/sw each second behind the scene, while, t will remain at previous value and an enque() will happen along with update of t.
This algorithm is optimized for enque() since this happens every second while a Query happens asynchronously and its frequency might be too less than frequency of enque() operations.

Time Complexity
Space Complexity


We can use Binary Indexed Tree/ Fenwick Tree. Updating the array as well cumulative sum will be of O(log n) complexity.

Of course we have to put a limit to after which time(i/p) we cant query as we cant store infinite amount of data, or if yes partioning of data would be needed(if thats the intention the above is not efficient).

Feel Free to Comment or Optimize The Solution

Monday, June 20, 2011

WAP to Find Maximum Windows of Matching Character , You Given two Sequences

Given two sequences of length N, how to find the max window of matching patterns. The patterns can be mutated.

For example, seq1 = "ABCDEFG", seq2 = "DBCAPFG", then the max window is 4. (ABCD from seq1 and DBCA from seq2)

Data Structure :Hash Table



here the expected answer is window of size 4

we use a map to store the characcters indices of SEQ1
then we search for windows of matching characters from SEQ2
only when the window size is >1, we need to use an temporary array...
we push the indices of the matchin chars from SEQ1 into this array...
here we hav arr = 6 4 3 5 1 0
sort this array, 0 1 3 4 5 6
test for maximum window in this array
3 4 5 6 of size 4

Working Code:


using namespace std;

int main()
char seq1[] = "ABCDEFGK";
char seq2[] = "ZGEDFBAP";

map m;
map::iterator iter;
vector arr;
int n1,n2;
n1 = strlen(seq1);
n2 = strlen(seq2);

for(int i = 0;isecond);

if(count > 0 && (iter==m.end() || i==n2-1))

window = 1;
if(count >1)

//check if the characters in SEQ1 lie in the window of size = count
for(int j=1;j maxwindow) maxwindow = window;
else maxwindow = 1;
count =0;

cout<<"Window of max size is "< getchar();
return 0;

Time Complexity O(N^2*logn)
Space Complexity O(1)
Given two sequences of length N, how to find the max window of matching patterns. The patterns can be mutated.

For example, seq1 = "ABCDEFG", seq2 = "DBCAPFG", then the max window is 4. (ABCD from seq1 and DBCA from seq2)
Given two sequences of length N, how to find the max window of matching patterns. The patterns can be mutated.

For example, seq1 = "ABCDEFG", seq2 = "DBCAPFG", then the max window is 4. (ABCD from seq1 and DBCA from seq2)

Given 3 arrays, pick 3 nos, one from each array, say a,b,c such that |a-b|+|b-c|+|c-a| is minimum

Data Structure Used: Arrays of Integer

1.Sort all 3 arrays (Using Heap or Quick Sort) , take min = INFINITY
2.Take pointer to start of all the three arrays
3.compute sum = |a-b|+|b-c|+|c-a| where a,b,c are elements pointed to by d pointers
4.if sum < min then sum = a,b,c too 5.increment the pointer of (min (a,b,c)) 6. if not the end of any array. repeat from step 3 Working Code:Java class QuickSort { static int min(int a, int b, int c) { int m = a; if (m > b) m = b;
if (m > c) m = c;
return m;

static int findMinof_abc(int a[],int m,int b[],int n,int c[],int l)

int min = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;

while( i < m && j < n && k < l) { n = Math.abs(a[i]- b[j]) + Math.abs(b[j] - c[k])+ Math.abs(c[k] - a[i]); min = n pivot)
if (i <= j)
tmp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[j];
arr[j] = tmp;
return i;

public int[] sort(int[] input)
quickSort(input, 0, input.length-1);
return input;

public static void main(String args[])

QuickSort mNew = new QuickSort();

int a[]={11,13,22,31};
int b[]={18,26,36};
int c[]={28,29,30,33};

int x=4,y=3,z=4;


Time Complexity O(NlogN)
Space Complexity O(logN)
Run Here

WAP to Convert Infix Expression into PostFix Expression Effciiently

Example a+b*c =abc+*
Data Structure:Array

Algorithm: let Q be the Arithmetic Expression
1.Push ( in to Stack.n ) in end of the Q.
2. Scan Q from left to right & repat stpe 3 to 6 fro each elemnt of Q untill stack is
3.if an operand encountered ad it to p.
4. if ( encountered push it into stack.
5.if an operator encountered then
a.add operator to stack.
b.repeatedly op from the satck & add P each char (on top of the stack) which has
the same or higher precendence than operator .
6.if ) encountered then
a. repeatedly pop from the satck & add p to each opeartor (on top of stack untill
a ' (' encountered.
b. remove '(' (do add '(' to the P.

Working Code:

#define MAX 100

/*this is the structure of the stack used to save operators in the expression*/
struct stack
char elem[MAX];
int top;
struct stack stk;

void convert(char *infix, char *postfix);
int prcd(char op1, char op2);
void create();
void push(char op);
char pop(int *und);
int empty();
int full();
int isopnd(char ch);
int isoprtr(char ch);

int main()
char ch, infix[MAX], postfix[MAX];


printf("Enter the infix expression\n");
scanf("%s", infix);

convert(infix, postfix);

printf("\n\nThe postfix expression is :\n");
printf("%s\n", postfix);



void convert(char *infix, char *postfix)
int i, pos=0, over, und, n;
char ch, op;

for(i=0; (ch=infix[i]) != '\0' ; ++i)
operands are entered directly into the postfix expression


postfix[pos++] = ch;

if an operator is encountered, insert it into the stack or the postfix expression according to the precedence wit rspect to previous operators(if any) in the stack
else if(isoprtr(ch))
op = pop(&und);

while(!und && prcd(op, ch))
postfix[pos++] = op;
op = pop(&und);


if(und || ch != ')')

if we get some other character than an operand or an operator, then the infix expression is invalid.
printf("\n\nThe infix expression is not valid\n");

postfix[pos++] = pop(&und);

postfix[pos++] = '\0';

/*function to check precedence of different operators*/
int prcd(char op1, char op2)
if(op1 == '(' || op2 == '(')
return 0;

if(op2 == ')')
return 1;

if(op1 == '^')
if(op2 == '^')
return 0;
return 1;

if(op1 == '/' || op1 == '*')
if(op2 == '^')
return 0;
return 1;

if(op2 == '^' || op2 == '/' || op2 == '*')
return 0;
return 1;

void create()
{ = -1;

void push(char op)
stk.elem[++(] = op;

char pop(int *und)
*und = 1;

*und = 0;


int empty()
if( == -1)
return 1;
return 0;

int full()
if( == MAX - 1)
return 1;
return 0;

/*check whether the given char is an operand or not*/
int isopnd(char ch)
if((ch>=48 && ch<58) || (ch>64 && ch<=90) || (ch>96 && ch<=122))
return 1;
return 0;

/*check whether the given char is an operator or not*/
int isoprtr(char ch)
if(ch == '+' || ch == '-' || ch == '*' || ch == '/' || ch == '^' || ch == '(' || ch == ')')
return 1;
return 0;

Time Complexity O(n)
Space Complexity O(n) Stack Space
Run Here