Thursday, August 4, 2011

You are given a String number containing the digits of a phone number.Divide the number into groups such that the quality is maximized.Design an efficient algorithm to return the solution that maximizes the quality.

You are given a String number containing the digits of a phone number
(the number of digits, n, can be any positive integer) . To help you memorize the number, you want to divide it into groups of contiguous digits. Each group must contain exactly 2 or 3 digits. There are three kinds of groups:
• Excellent: A group that contains only the same digits. For example, 000 or 77.
• Good: A group of 3 digits, 2 of which are the same. For example, 030, 229 or 166.
• Usual: A group in which all the digits are distinct. For example, 123 or 90.
The quality of a group assignment is defined as 2 × (number of excellent groups) + (number of good groups)
Divide the number into groups such that the quality is maximized.
Design an efficient algorithm to return the solution that maximizes the quality.

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