Thursday, August 4, 2011

Give a data-structure which will guarantee O(log n) time per operation.

Complete binary tree as an efficient data-structure

You are given an array of size n(n being a power of two). All the entries of the array are initialized to zero. You have to perform a sequence of the following online operations :

* (i) Add(i,x) which adds x to the entry A[i].
* (ii) Report sum(i,j) = sum of the entries in the array from indices i to j for any 0 < i < j <= n.

It can be seen easily that we can perform the first operation in O(1) time whereas the second operation may cost O(n) in worst case. Your objective is to perform these operations efficiently. Give a data-structure which will guarantee O(log n) time per operation. (The title of the problem is a hint).

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