Sunday, September 30, 2012
While travelling in a cycle race, there are several pit stops. A cyclist can travel upto 50 km without stopping at any pit stop, where he can have a health drink and refill his energy. Given a start point ’t’ and let ’k’ be the distance needed to be travelled by the cyclist, find an efficient algorithm to reach the destination ’d’ so as to have minimum pit stops and prove your algorithm is the most optimal one.
Microsoft Interview
You have given n numbers from 1 to n. You have to sort numbers with increasing number of set bits.
for ex: n=5.
output: 1,2,4,3,5
Note: If you have two number with equal number of set bits, then number with lowest value come first in the output.
output: 1,2,4,3,5
Note: If you have two number with equal number of set bits, then number with lowest value come first in the output.
Microsoft Interview
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
You have N computers and [Ca, Cb] means a is connected to b and this connectivity is symmetric and transitive. then write a program which checks that all computers are interconnected and talk two each other
I Believe there are multiple way to solve this problem
1. Here is my approach since graph is connected there will be path from each source to destination vertex , isn't it ?
so we can simply run a dfs or bfs for all computers to check if all such path exist , finally we can return & of all operation that means all computer are inter connected and can talk to each other .
PS.Since graph is undirected if there exist path from u to v then vice-verse also true so we wont calculate it again.
Adobe Question
Google Interview
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Maximum Sum Subsequence in an unsorted array of size n
We are given an array A having n integers. What we want to find is a contiguous subseqnence (A[i], A[i+1], …, A[j]) such that the sum of the elements in that subsequence is maximized. (Note that, in general, there may be more than one such optimal subsequence.)
Note that if all elements in A are non-negative, we could directly return the entire array as the required optimal subsequence.
A simple brute-force method could be to compute the sums of all possible subseqnences in A. How many subsequences are there? There are
possible subsequences. Computing the sum of a subsequence takes O(n) in the worst-case. Hence, the running time of the algorithm would be
In C++, we could write the following function to do what was explained above:
// start and end are the starting and ending indices of an optimal subsequence.
void f ( int* A, int n, int &start, int& end)
int sum, max = A[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
sum = 0;
for (int k = i; k <=j; k++)
sum+= A[k];
if (sum >= max)
start = i;
end = j;
max = sum;
We can improve the running time to
by being a bit more clever in computing the sums of different subsequences. We observe that the sum of the subsequence A[i ... j+1] = A[j+1] + sum of the subsequence A[i ... j].
In C++, we could write as follows:
void f (int *A, int n, int &start, int &end)
int sum, max = A[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum = 0;
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
sum + = A[j];
if (sum >= max)
start = i;
end = j;
max = sum;
Using dynamic programming, we can solve the problem in linear time.
We consider a linear number of subproblems, each of which can be solved using previously solved subproblems in constant time, this giving a running time of
denote the sum of a maximum sum contiguous subsequence ending exactly at index
Thus, we have that:
Also, S[0] = A[0].
Using the above recurrence relation, we can compute the sum of the optimal subsequence for array A, which would just be the maximum over
Since we are required to output the starting and ending indices of an optimal subsequence, we would use another array
would store the starting index for a maximum sum contiguous subsequence ending at index i.
In prseducode form, the algorithm would look thus:
Create arrays S and T each of size n.
S[0] = A[0];
T[0] = 0;
max = S[0];
max_start = 0, max_end = 0;
For i going from 1 to n-1:
// We know that S[i] = max { S[i-1] + A[i], A[i] .
If ( S[i-1] > 0)
S[i] = S[i-1] + A[i];
T[i] = T[i-1];
S[i] = A[i];
T[i] = i;
If ( S[i] > max)
max_start = T[i];
max_end = i;
max = S[i];
Output max_start and max_end.
The above algorithm takes
time and
We can however improve upon the space requirements, reducing it to
. The key idea is this: for computing S[i] and T[i], all we need are the values of S[i-1] and T[i-1] apart from the given array A. Hence, there is no need to store all
values of the S and T arrays.
We could proceed as follows:
max = A[0];
max_start = 0;
max_end = 0;
S = A[0];
T = 0;
For i going from 1 to n-1:
// S = max { S + A[i], A[i] )
if ( S > 0)
S = S + A[i];
S = A[i];
T = i;
If ( S > max)
max_start = T;
max_end = i;
max = S;
End For.
Output max_end and max_start.
The above algorithm takes
time and
Adobe Question
Amazon Interview
DirectI Interview
Dynamic Programming
Google Interview
Microsoft Interview
Saturday, September 15, 2012
How much tottal water can be stored in buildings
Given array of height 5 1 3 6 1 2
DirectI Interview
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
A Short Tutorial on Recurrence Relations
The concept: Recurrence relations are recursive definitions of mathematical functions or sequences. For example, the recurrence relation g(n) = g(n-1) + 2n -1 g(0) = 0 defines the function f(n) = n^2, and the recurrence relation f(n) = f(n-1) + f(n-2) f(1) = 1 f(0) = 1 defines the famous Fibanocci sequence 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,.... Solving a recurrence relation: Given a function defined by a recurrence relation, we want to find a "closed form" of the function. In other words, we would like to eliminate recursion from the function definition. There are several techniques for solving recurrence relations. The main techniques for us are the iteration method (also called expansion, or unfolding methods) and the Master Theorem method. Here is an example of solving the above recurrence relation for g(n) using the iteration method: g(n) = g(n-1) + 2n - 1 = [g(n-2) + 2(n-1) - 1] + 2n - 1 // because g(n-1) = g(n-2) + 2(n-1) -1 // = g(n-2) + 2(n-1) + 2n - 2 = [g(n-3) + 2(n-2) -1] + 2(n-1) + 2n - 2 // because g(n-2) = g(n-3) + 2(n-2) -1 // = g(n-3) + 2(n-2) + 2(n-1) + 2n - 3 ... = g(n-i) + 2(n-i+1) +...+ 2n - i ... = g(n-n) + 2(n-n+1) +...+ 2n - n = 0 + 2 + 4 +...+ 2n - n // because g(0) = 0 // = 2 + 4 +...+ 2n - n = 2*n*(n+1)/2 - n // using arithmetic progression formula 1+...+n = n(n+1)/2 // = n^2 Applications: Recurrence relations are a fundamental mathematical tool since they can be used to represent mathematical functions/sequences that cannot be easily represented non-recursively. An example is the Fibanocci sequence. Another one is the famous Ackermann's function that you may (or may not :-) have heard about in Math112 or CS14 [see CLR, pp. 451-453]. Here we are mainly interested in applications of recurrence relations in the design and analysis of algorithms. Recurrence relations with more than one variable: In some applications we may consider recurrence relations with two or more variables. The famous Ackermann's function is one such example. Here is another example recurrence relation with two variables. T(m,n) = 2*T(m/2,n/2) + m*n, m > 1, n > 1 T(m,n) = n, if m = 1 T(m,n) = m, if n = 1 We can solve this recurrence using the iteration method as follows. Assume m <= n. Then T(m,n) = 2*T(m/2,n/2) + m*n = 2^2*T(m/2^2,n/2^2) + 2*(m*n/4) + m*n = 2^2*T(m/2^2,n/2^2) + m*n/2 + m*n = 2^3*T(m/2^3,n/2^3) + m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n ... = 2^i*T(m/2^i,n/2^i) + m*n/2^(i-1) +...+ m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n Let k = log_2 m. Then we have T(m,n) = 2^k*T(m/2^k,n/2^k) + m*n/2^(k-1) +...+ m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n = m*T(m/m,n/2^k) + m*n/2^(k-1) +...+ m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n = m*T(1,n/2^k) + m*n/2^(k-1) +...+ m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n = m*n/2^k + m*n/2^(k-1) +...+ m*n/2^2 + m*n/2 + m*n = m*n*(2-1/2^k) = Theta(m*n) Analyzing (recursive) algorithms using recurrence relations: For recursive algorithms, it is convinient to use recurrence relations to describe the time complexity functions of the algorithms. Then we can obtain the time complexity estimates by solving the recurrence relations. You may find several examples of this nature in the lecture notes and the books, such as Towers of Hanoi, Mergesort (the recursive version), and Majority. These are excellent examples of divide-and-conquer algorithms whose analyses involve recurrence relations. Here is another example. Given algorithm Algorithm Test(A[1..n], B[1..n], C[1..n]); if n= 0 then return; For i := 1 to n do C[1] := A[1] * B[i]; call Test(A[2..n], B[2..n], C[2..n]); If the denote the time complexity of Test as T(n), then we can express T(n) recursively as an recurrence relation: T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n) T(1) = 1 (You may also write simply T(n) = T(n-1) + n if you think of T(n) as the the number of multiplications) By a straighforward expansion method, we can solve T(n) as: T(n) = T(n-1) + O(n) = (T(n-2) + O(n-1)) + O(n) = T(n-2) + O(n-1) + O(n) = T(n-3) + O(n-2) + O(n-1) + O(n) ... = T(1) + O(2) + ... + O(n-1) + O(n) = O(1 + 2 + ... + n-1 + n) = O(n^2) Yet another example: Algorithm Parallel-Product(A[1..n]); if n = 1 then return; for i := 1 to n/2 do A[i] := A[i]*A[i+n/2]; call Parallel-Product(A[1..n/2]); The time complexity of the above algorithm can be expressed as T(n) = T(n/2) + O(n/2) T(1) = 1 We can solve it as: T(n) = T(n/2) + O(n/2) = (T(n/2^2) + O(n/2^2)) + O(n/2) = T(n/2^2) + O(n/2^2) + O(n/2) = T(n/2^3) + O(n/2^3) + O(n/2^2) + O(n/2) ... = T(n/2^i) + O(n/2^i) +...+ O(n/2^2) + O(n/2) = T(n/2^log n) + O(n/2^log n) +...+ O(n/2^2) + O(n/2) // We stop the expansion at i = log n because 2^log n = n // = T(1) + O(n/2^log n) +...+ O(n/2^2) + O(n/2) = 1 + O(n/2^log n +...+ n/2^2 + n/2) = 1 + O(n*(1/2^log n +...+ 1/2^2 + 1/2) = O(n) // because 1/2^log n +...+ 1/2^2 + 1/2 <= 1 // Using recurrence relations to develop algorithms: Recurrence relations are useful in the design of algorithms, as in the dynamic programming paradigm. For this course, you only need to know how to derive an iterative (dynamic programming) algorithm when you are given a recurrence relation. For example, given the recurrence relation for the Fibonacci function f(n) above, we can convert it into DP algorithm as follows: Algorithm Fib(n); var f[0..n]: array of integers; f[0] := f[1] := 1; for i := 2 to n do f[i] := f[i-1] + f[i-2]; // following the recurrence relation // return f[n]; The time complexity of this algorithm is easily seen as O(n). Of course you may also easily derive a recursive algorithm from the recurrence relation: Algorithm Fib-Rec(n); if n = 0 or 1 then return 1; else return Fib-Rec(n-1) + Fib-Rec(n-2); but the time complexity of this algorithm will be exponential, since we can write its time complexity function recursively as: T(n) = T(n-1) + T(n-2) T(1) = T(0) = 1 In other words, T(n) is exactly the n-th Fibonacci nummber. To solve this recurrence relation, we would have to use a more sophisticated technique for linear homogeneous recurrence relations, which is discussed in the text book for Math112. But for us, here it suffices to know that T(n) = f(n) = theta(c^n), where c is a constant close to 1.5.
Source :
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Given list of words in the order as in the dictionary, find the order of the alphabets.
Suppose you are given words in the same order as in the dictionary like a, ant, ball, cat, do, dog, fog, frock etc.
From these words you know that there are alphabets a, n, t, b, l, c, d, o, g, f, r, k.
You don't know the order of these alphabets before hand.
You will have to find the order of these alphabets based on the order of the given words.
Some Analysis :
From a and ant you cannot make out anything.
From ant and ball you can make out that a comes before b in the order.
From ball and cat you can make out that b comes before c in the order.
From cat and do you can make out that c comes before d in the order.
From do and dog you cannot make out anything.
From dog and fog you can make out that d comes before f in the order.
From fog and frock you can make out that o comes before r in the order.
From these clues you should make out the order of the alphabets.
Not necessarily you will be given all the dictionary words, but the words which are sufficient enough to make out the order of the alphabets.
You can always say you cannot make out the order if the words given are not sufficient.
Why don't make hands little dirty , give it a try , shoot me comment :)
Suppose you are given words in the same order as in the dictionary like a, ant, ball, cat, do, dog, fog, frock etc.
From these words you know that there are alphabets a, n, t, b, l, c, d, o, g, f, r, k.
You don't know the order of these alphabets before hand.
You will have to find the order of these alphabets based on the order of the given words.
Some Analysis :
From a and ant you cannot make out anything.
From ant and ball you can make out that a comes before b in the order.
From ball and cat you can make out that b comes before c in the order.
From cat and do you can make out that c comes before d in the order.
From do and dog you cannot make out anything.
From dog and fog you can make out that d comes before f in the order.
From fog and frock you can make out that o comes before r in the order.
From these clues you should make out the order of the alphabets.
Not necessarily you will be given all the dictionary words, but the words which are sufficient enough to make out the order of the alphabets.
You can always say you cannot make out the order if the words given are not sufficient.
Why don't make hands little dirty , give it a try , shoot me comment :)
Amazon Interview
Graph World
Topological Sorting
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Remove all two zeros in the given string. Example: a3409jd00dk000d Output: a3409jddk000d Note: If there are less/more than two zeros consecutive, it should not be replaced.
#include<iostream> #include <string.h> using namespace std; void removeDoubleZeros(char* src) { int len = strlen(src); int idxSrc = 0; int idxDest = 0; while (idxSrc + 1 < len) { if(src[idxSrc]=='0'&& src[idxSrc+1]== '0') { if( ((idxSrc - 1 >= 0 && src[idxSrc - 1]!= '0')
|| idxSrc - 1 < 0) && ((idxSrc + 2 < len && src[idxSrc + 2]!= '0')|| idxSrc + 2 >= len) ){ idxSrc += 2; } else src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc++]; } else { src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc++]; } } src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc]; src[idxDest] = 0; }; int main() { char src[] = "a3409jd00dk000d"; removeDoubleZeros(src); printf("%s", src); return 0; }
Time Complexity O(N) where N is length
of string
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here
Microsoft Interview
You have a book will billion pages. Each Page P has L lines and each lines has W number of words. Design a search algorithm which gives me best match search results. Best match is when all the words given by user exactly matches.
Large Scalable System
Microsoft Interview
Search Engine
Given two string, check whether the other is permutation of first one or not. Eg: abc cba Ans: True Eg: abca abbc: Ans: False
1.take an array of 256 size,(for ascii characters),initialize with 0.
2.iterate through the both string,increment the value of array1 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char obtained and simultaneously decrement the value of array2 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char /:
3.finally check if at any index in array its value is not zero if its true then return false else return true.
time complexity o(n)
space complexity o(1)
2.iterate through the both string,increment the value of array1 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char obtained and simultaneously decrement the value of array2 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char /:
3.finally check if at any index in array its value is not zero if its true then return false else return true.
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int ifPermutation(const char* a, const char* b)
if (strlen(a) != strlen(b))
return 0;
char arr[256];
memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr));
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(a); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (arr[i] != 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
char* a = "abca";
char* b = "cbaa";
int res = ifPermutation(a, b);
time complexity o(n)
space complexity o(1)
Microsoft Interview
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