Showing posts with label Graph World. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Graph World. Show all posts

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Given list of words in the order as in the dictionary, find the order of the alphabets.

Suppose you are given words in the same order as in the dictionary like a, ant, ball, cat, do, dog, fog, frock etc.
From these words you know that there are alphabets a, n, t, b, l, c, d, o, g, f, r, k.
You don't know the order of these alphabets before hand.
You will have to find the order of these alphabets based on the order of the given words.

Some Analysis :
From a and ant you cannot make out anything.
From ant and ball you can make out that a comes before b in the order.
From ball and cat you can make out that b comes before c in the order.
From cat and do you can make out that c comes before d in the order.
From do and dog you cannot make out anything.
From dog and fog you can make out that d comes before f in the order.
From fog and frock you can make out that o comes before r in the order.
From these clues you should make out the order of the alphabets.
Not necessarily you will be given all the dictionary words, but the words which are sufficient enough to make out the order of the alphabets.
You can always say you cannot make out the order if the words given are not sufficient.

Why don't make hands little dirty  , give it a try , shoot me comment :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Identify the ‘Bottleneck Spanning Tree’ of an undirected graph

Given an undirected graph, identify the ‘Bottleneck Spanning Tree’ of an undirected graph, which is defined to be any spanning tree that minimizes the weight of the heaviest edge used in the tree. In the usual ‘Minimum Spanning Tree’ problem, the sum of weights is minimized.

Identify if a given graph is a scorpion or not.

A scorpion is an undirected graph with 3 special vertices: the sting, the tail, and the body. The sting has degree one and is connected to the tail. The tail has degree two and is connected to the sting and the body. The body has degree n – 2 and is connected to all vertices except the sting. The other vertices may be arbitrarily connected with each other. Identify if a given graph is a scorpion or not.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

House painting Problem

There are a row of houses, each house can be painted with three colors red, blue and green. The cost of painting each house with a certain color is different. You have to paint all the houses such that no two adjacent houses have the same color. You have to paint the houses with minimum cost. How would you do it?

Note: Painting house-1 with red costs different from painting house-2 with red. The costs are different for each house and each color.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Given a php source file which contains a few classes defined in it. ,print the class hierarchy in the given desired format.

In PHP, there is concept of single class inheritance i.e. a new class can extend an existing class. You are given a php source file which contains a few classes defined in it. You have to print the class hierarchy in the given desired format.
For example, classes in php source file are A, B extending A, C extending B, D extending A, E.
The output should look like: