Sunday, September 2, 2012

Given list of words in the order as in the dictionary, find the order of the alphabets.

Suppose you are given words in the same order as in the dictionary like a, ant, ball, cat, do, dog, fog, frock etc.
From these words you know that there are alphabets a, n, t, b, l, c, d, o, g, f, r, k.
You don't know the order of these alphabets before hand.
You will have to find the order of these alphabets based on the order of the given words.

Some Analysis :
From a and ant you cannot make out anything.
From ant and ball you can make out that a comes before b in the order.
From ball and cat you can make out that b comes before c in the order.
From cat and do you can make out that c comes before d in the order.
From do and dog you cannot make out anything.
From dog and fog you can make out that d comes before f in the order.
From fog and frock you can make out that o comes before r in the order.
From these clues you should make out the order of the alphabets.
Not necessarily you will be given all the dictionary words, but the words which are sufficient enough to make out the order of the alphabets.
You can always say you cannot make out the order if the words given are not sufficient.

Why don't make hands little dirty  , give it a try , shoot me comment :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Remove all two zeros in the given string. Example: a3409jd00dk000d Output: a3409jddk000d Note: If there are less/more than two zeros consecutive, it should not be replaced.

#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
void removeDoubleZeros(char* src)
int len = strlen(src);
int idxSrc = 0;
int idxDest = 0;
while (idxSrc + 1 < len)
if(src[idxSrc]=='0'&& src[idxSrc+1]== '0')
 ((idxSrc - 1 >= 0 && src[idxSrc - 1]!= '0') 
   || idxSrc - 1 < 0) &&
 ((idxSrc + 2 < len && src[idxSrc + 2]!= '0')
  || idxSrc + 2 >= len)
idxSrc += 2;
src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc++];
src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc++];
src[idxDest++] = src[idxSrc];
src[idxDest] = 0;
int main()
char src[] = "a3409jd00dk000d";
printf("%s", src);
return 0;
Time Complexity O(N) where N is length 
of string
Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

You have a book will billion pages. Each Page P has L lines and each lines has W number of words. Design a search algorithm which gives me best match search results. Best match is when all the words given by user exactly matches.

Given two string, check whether the other is permutation of first one or not. Eg: abc cba Ans: True Eg: abca abbc: Ans: False

1.take an array of 256 size,(for ascii characters),initialize with 0.
2.iterate through the both string,increment the value of array1 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char obtained and simultaneously
decrement the value of array2 by 1,on position pointed by ascii value of char /: 
3.finally check if at any index in array its value is not zero if its true then return false else return true.

#include <string.h>
using namespace std;
int ifPermutation(const char* a, const char* b)
if (strlen(a) != strlen(b))
return 0;
char arr[256];
memset(arr, 0, sizeof(arr));
for (int i = 0; i < strlen(a); i++)
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (arr[i] != 0)
return 0;
return 1;
int main()
char* a = "abca";
char* b = "cbaa";
int res = ifPermutation(a, b);
time complexity o(n)
space complexity o(1)

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Design a new programming language GOOGELY.

The programming language consists of two global character registers X and Y. Both X and Y is initialized with A initially.

It consists of two instructions
next: It increments the contents of x. Resets it to ‘A’ if it was ‘Z’.
Print: Prints the value of X and swaps the value of X and Y.

Sample input for the program: A string say “CBC”
Sample output: Sequence of instruction needed to execute, to obtain the input string.
In this case this output would be “next next print next print print“.

Given a array, find the largest contiguous sub-array having its sum equal to N.

We are given an array A having n integers. What we want to find is a contiguous subseqnence (A[i], A[i+1], …, A[j]) such that the sum of the elements in that subsequence is maximized. (Note that, in general, there may be more than one such optimal subsequence.)
Note that if all elements in A are non-negative, we could directly return the entire array as the required optimal subsequence.
A simple brute-force method could be to compute the sums of all possible subseqnences in A. How many subsequences are there? There are n+ (n-1) + (n-2) + ... + 1 = O(n^2) possible subsequences. Computing the sum of a subsequence takes O(n) in the worst-case. Hence, the running time of the algorithm would be O(n^3).
In C++, we could write the following function to do what was explained above:
// start and end are the starting and ending indices of an optimal subsequence.
void f ( int* A, int n, int &start, int& end)
int sum, max = A[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n ; i++)
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
sum = 0;
for (int k = i; k <=j; k++)
sum+= A[k];
if (sum >= max)
start = i;
end = j;
max = sum;
We can improve the running time to O(n^2) by being a bit more clever in computing the sums of different subsequences. We observe that the sum of the subsequence A[i ... j+1] = A[j+1] + sum of the subsequence A[i ... j].
In C++, we could write as follows:
void f (int *A, int n, int &start, int &end)
int sum, max = A[0];
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
sum = 0;
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
sum + = A[j];
if (sum >= max)
start = i;
end = j;
max = sum;
Using dynamic programming, we can solve the problem in linear time.
We consider a linear number of subproblems, each of which can be solved using previously solved subproblems in constant time, this giving a running time of O(n).
Let S[k] denote the sum of a maximum sum contiguous subsequence ending exactly at index k.
Thus, we have that:
S[k+1] = max \{S[k] + A[k+1], A[k+1] \} (for all 1 \leq k \leq n-1)
Also, S[0] = A[0].
Using the above recurrence relation, we can compute the sum of the optimal subsequence for array A, which would just be the maximum over S[i] for 0 \leq i \leq n-1.
Since we are required to output the starting and ending indices of an optimal subsequence, we would use another array T where T[i] would store the starting index for a maximum sum contiguous subsequence ending at index i.
In prseducode form, the algorithm would look thus:
Create arrays S and T each of size n.
S[0] = A[0];
T[0] = 0;
max = S[0];
max_start = 0, max_end = 0;
For i going from 1 to n-1:
// We know that S[i] = max { S[i-1] + A[i], A[i] .
If ( S[i-1] > 0)
S[i] = S[i-1] + A[i];
T[i] = T[i-1];
S[i] = A[i];
T[i] = i;
If ( S[i] > max)
max_start = T[i];
max_end = i;
max = S[i];
Output max_start and max_end.
The above algorithm takes O(n) time and O(n) space.
We can however improve upon the space requirements, reducing it to O(1). The key idea is this: for computing S[i] and T[i], all we need are the values of S[i-1] and T[i-1] apart from the given array A. Hence, there is no need to store all n values of the S and T arrays.
We could proceed as follows:
max = A[0];
max_start = 0;
max_end = 0;
S = A[0];
T = 0;
For i going from 1 to n-1:
// S = max { S + A[i], A[i] )
if ( S > 0)
S = S + A[i];
S = A[i];
T = i;
If ( S > max)
max_start = T;
max_end = i;
max = S;
End For.
Output max_end and max_start.
The above algorithm takes O(n) time and O(1) space.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Given an array all of whose elements are positive numbers, find the maximum sum of a subsequence with the constraint that no 2 numbers in the sequence should be adjacent in the array.

Example 3 2 7 10 should return 13 (sum of 3 and 10) or 3 2 5 10 7 should return 15 (sum of 3, 5 and 7).

Given an expression remove the unnecessary brackets in it with out creating an ambiguity in its execution. input output

 ex1: (a+(b)+c) a+b+c ex2: (a*b)+c a*b+c

Given Preorder can you make BST from it then print the sorted output from BST

using namespace std;
typedef struct tree{
int val;
struct tree *left;
struct tree *right;
tree* insert(tree* root, int val)
if(root == NULL)
tree* temp = (tree*) malloc(sizeof(tree));
temp->val = val;
temp->left = NULL;
temp->right = NULL;
return temp;
tree* node = (tree*) malloc(sizeof(tree));
if(root->val < val)
root->right = insert(root->right, val);
root->left = insert(root->left, val);
return root;
tree* buildBST(int preOrder[], int length)
tree* root;
if(length != 0)
root = (tree*) malloc(sizeof(tree));
root->val = preOrder[0];
root->left = NULL;
root->right = NULL;
return NULL;
for(int i = 1; i < length; i++)
root = insert(root, preOrder[i]);
return root;
void printInOrder(tree* BST)
if(BST == NULL) return;
cout << BST->val << " ";
void printPreOrder(tree* BST)
if(BST == NULL) return;
cout << BST->val << " ";
int main(void)
int preOrder[] = {10, 5, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 12};
tree* BST = buildBST(preOrder, sizeof(preOrder) / sizeof(int));
cout << endl;
cout << endl;

 Time Complexity O(N^2) in Case of Skewed Tree
 Space Complexity O(1)
Run Here

Given a array of intervals, check if that have any gape efficiently

u will be given pairs.. u need to see whether they have any gaps..
u can think pairs are like intervals..
ex1: max no:20 pairs: 11-15, 0-5, 18-20, 14-19, 6-13 
the above has no gaps..because 0-5,6-13,11-15,18-20 have all numbers from 0 (min) to 20(max)
ex2: 11-15, 0-5, 18-20, 14-16, 6-13 this have gap as the intervals miss a number from 0 to 20 i.e.,17