Sunday, February 20, 2011

WAP to check reguler expression against text recursively

using namespace std;
//check regexp against text recursively
bool match(char *regexp, char *text){
// the case regexp is empty, we don't need to check text == '\0'
if (*regexp == '\0') return (*text == '\0');
// the case ? and normal characters
if (*regexp == '?'||*regexp == *text) return match(regexp+1,text+1);
// the case *
if (*regexp=='*'){
if (match(regexp+1,text)) return true;
}while (*text++!='\0');
return false;

int main(){
char p[4]={'a','*','d'};
char s[4] = {'a','c','b'};
bool k=match(p,s);
if(k) cout<<"yes";
else cout<<"no";
return 0;

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