Monday, February 28, 2011

Find Maximum Size BST in Binary Tree


/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child
and a pointer to right child */
struct BinaryTree
int data;
struct BinaryTree * left;
struct BinaryTree * right;

// Find the largest BST subtree in a binary tree.
// If the subtree is a BST, return total number of nodes.
// If the subtree is not a BST, -1 is returned.
int findLargestBSTSubtree(struct BinaryTree *p, int &min, int &max,int &maxNodes, struct BinaryTree* &largestBST)
if (!p) return 0;
bool isBST = true;
int leftNodes = findLargestBSTSubtree(p->left, min, max, maxNodes, largestBST);
int currMin = (leftNodes == 0) ? p->data : min;
if (leftNodes == -1 ||
(leftNodes != 0 && p->data <= max))
isBST = false;
int rightNodes = findLargestBSTSubtree(p->right, min, max, maxNodes, largestBST);
int currMax = (rightNodes == 0) ? p->data : max;
if (rightNodes == -1 ||
(rightNodes != 0 && p->data >= min))
isBST = false;
if (isBST) {
min = currMin;
max = currMax;
int totalNodes = leftNodes + rightNodes + 1;
if (totalNodes > maxNodes) {
maxNodes = totalNodes;
largestBST = p;
return totalNodes;
} else {
return -1; // This subtree is not a BST

/* Helper function that allocates a new node
with the given data and NULL left and right
pointers. */
struct BinaryTree* newNode(int data)
struct BinaryTree* node = (struct BinaryTree*)
malloc(sizeof(struct BinaryTree));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;


struct BinaryTree* findLargestBST(struct BinaryTree *root) {
struct BinaryTree *largestBST = NULL;
int min=INT_MAX, max=INT_MIN;
int maxNodes = INT_MIN;
findLargestBSTSubtree(root, &min, &max, &maxNodes, &largestBST);
return largestBST;

void print(struct BinaryTree *root)
return ;

printf("%d ",root->data);


int main()

struct BinaryTree* root = newnode(10);
root->left = newnode(5);
root->right = newnode(15);
root->left->left = newnode(1);
root->left->right = newnode(8);
root->right->right =newnode(7);

struct BinaryTree* tmp=findLargestBST(root);

return 0;


Time Complexity O(n)


Unknown said...

Excellent Program here again

suyash said...

What if we do in-order traversal , and then try to find longest sorted sub sequence ?