Friday, May 27, 2011

WAP to Print Binary Representation of Decimal Number Thats Passed as String to Function

Given a (decimal - e.g. 3.72) number that is passed in as a string, print the binary representation. If the number can not be represented accurately in binary, print “ERROR”

Note: Review Needed

First, let’s start off by asking ourselves what a non-integer number in binary looks like. By analogy to a decimal number, the number n = 0.101 = 1 * (1/2^1) + 0 * (1/2^2) + 1 * (1/2^3).
Printing the int part of n is straight-forward (see below). To print the decimal part, we can multiply by 2 and check if the 2*n is greater than or equal to one. This is essentially “shifting” the fractional sum. That is:
r = 2*n = 2*0.101 = 1*(1 / 2^0) + 0*(1 / 2^1) + 1*(1 / 2^2) = 1.01
If r >= 1, then we know that n had a 1 right after the decimal point. By doing this continuously,we can check every digit.

class digit_prob

public static String printBinary(String n)

int intPart = Integer.parseInt(n.substring(0, n.indexOf('.')));
double decPart = Double.parseDouble(
n.substring(n.indexOf('.'), n.length()));
String int_string ="";
while (intPart > 0) {
int r = intPart % 2;
intPart >>= 1;
int_string = r + int_string;
StringBuffer dec_string = new StringBuffer();
while (decPart > 0) {
if (dec_string.length() > 32) return "ERROR";
if (decPart == 1) {
double r = decPart * 2;
if (r >= 1) {
decPart = r - 1;
} else {
decPart = r;
return int_string + "." + dec_string.toString();
public static void main(String a[])



TC O(K) k= length of number e.g digits in number
SC O(1)
Run Here

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