Friday, May 27, 2011

WAP to design an efficient algorithm to find whether String s3 is formed from the interleaving of String s1 and String s2

Design an algorithm to find whether a given string is formed by the
interleaving of two given strings or not.
s1= aabccabc
s2= dbbabc
s3= aabdbbccababcc

If I am Correct a Similer Iterative Approahc can be written as

bool test(A,B,C)
while(k < C.size()) { if(i < A.size() && C[k]==A[i]) {i++,k++; } else if(j < B.size() && C[k]==B[j]) { j++,k++; } else return false } return (i == A.size() && j == B.size()); } Similer Recursive Apparoahc in Which Interviewer Show More Interest bool interleaved(char *s1, char *s2, char *s3) { // Base case, all strings are empty return (!s1[0] && !s2[0] && !s3[0]) || // First character of s1 is next in s3 (s1[0] && (s1[0] == s3[0]) && interleaved(s1+1,s2,s3+1)) || // First character of s2 is next in s3 (s2[0] && (s2[0] == s3[0]) && interleaved(s1,s2+1,s3+1)); } No Doubt This Problem Requires DP (Top-Down memozation will be Best )Approach & I had Solved It Using the Same. Below is one of The Possible Approach. I found A Good Discussion Here AlgoGeek

TC O(N) length of Bigger String thats S3 Need to Check
SC O(1)
Run Here

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